Archbishop Cordileone |
(New York) In the US, a paid advertisement has become a national issue. This past April 16 a full page advertisement appeared in the newspaper, The
San Francisco Chronicle with an
appeal to Pope Francis. It appealed to impeach Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and drive him out of the city. It's an unusual initiative, but for Catholics in the German-speaking world, however, this is quite familiar.
The accusation is made by financially wealthy signatories of the appeal? The Archbishop is contrary to the papal postulate "Who am I to judge?". The o
ccasion are guidelines by the Archbishop of the 4th of February, about the Catholic schools in his archdiocese, which he demanded that Catholic marriage and morality be recalled and called on schools to ensure it's disseminated to the students (see report Rebellion Against Archbishop: "Who are you to judge? ").
Accusation: Archbishop is Contrary to Postulate "Who am I to Judge?"
The gay lobby within and outside the Catholic Church feels challenged by the Archbishop, who dared to recall the Catholic doctrine in terms of homosexuality. Specifically, the archbishop asked that school personnel have to adhere to Catholic doctrine in their teaching in word and deed.
"Too intolerant" is the archbishop and he should therefore be removed from office, opine a hundred signatories of the appeal, which describe themselves as Catholics or to be exact, as a "dedicated Catholics, inspired by the Second Vatican Council."
Among the signatories is Brian Cahill, former director of Catholic Charities of San Francisco and "a number of rich patrons," says Vatican expert Sandro Magister. Among them are also Charles Geschke, President of Adobe Systems and former Chairman of the Board of the University of San Francisco. Among the Americans there was also Tom Brady Sr. the father of Tom Brady JR., a quarterback for the New England Patriots , in the National Football Leagueplay.
Progressive Catholics in Alliance with Major Media

Appeal against Archbishop Cordileone: Pope to remove him from the Office
The San Francisco Chronicle , the largest daily newspaper in Northern California, which published the appeal as a paid ad, placed the signatories as "prominent Catholics." It belongs to the Hearst group, which also includes the Internet platform San Francisco Gate.
To give the publication even more importance
San Francisco Gate launched a
survey with four pre-formulated answers - two for and two against Archbishop Cordileone - to the question: "Should Pope Francis remove Archbishop Cordileone from the Archdiocese of San Francisco?"
But the shot backfired. The survey showed that the overwhelming majority of citizens are not identified with the signatories of the appeal, but in solidarity with Archbishop Cordileone.[!]
The Survey, Which Was to Demolish Cordileone, but in Reality Strengthens
On the evening of 20 April, the answers to the questions were: "Should Pope Francis remove Cordileone as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of San Francisco?"
76 percent, "No, the archbishop promotes the values of the Catholic Church";
12 percent: "Yes, the Archbishop stoking a climate of intolerance";
10 percent, "No, the archbishop is right to oppose same-sex marriage";
2 percent, "Yes, his moral code for the teachers of Catholic schools is contrary to the law."
"Liberal" Catholics in the "Most liberal" City in the US only Small Minority
"The signatories of the appeal may be 'prominent Catholics' but they are not in tune with the faithful nor do they have a great following and not even in the city in the USA, which the media portrays as the most liberal," said Sandro Magister. "And that Pope Francis is considering: That he remove Archbishop Cordileone from his office, is simply unthinkable".
The personnel policies of Pope Francis for the US is mostly opaque since the disempowerment and finally, the removal of Cardinal Raymond Burke of the Roman Curia, but shows a strong progressivist bent in its counter-tendency to the American episcopate.
The hitherto most important appointment concerned the successor of Cardinal Francis George as Archbishop of Chicago. For this diocese, one of the most important in the United States, Francis appointed Bishop Blaise Cupich, a progressive outlier.
Appointment of Bishops from Pope Francis' Progressive List
This past March 3rd, Francis appointed with Robert McElroy Bishop of San Diego, another progressive. McElroy is a priest of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, where he was the personal secretary of ultra progressive Archbishop John R. Quinn. Quinn had even been raised by Pope Paul VI. to the office. In 1995 a turnaround came with his retirement in the archdiocese. John Paul II. Replaced him with William Levada, later Prefect of the Congregation. He was succeeded by George Hugh Niederauer and 2012 finally Salvatore Cordileone.
Cordileone was from 2002-2009 Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego, the Southern California diocese on the border with Mexico, which the Pope has entrusted to McElroy. Archbishop Cordileone, a wise man with a clear voice and determination, has become the target of fierce attacks since his inauguration in San Francisco. They come from both inside and outside of the Catholic Church. One reason is that the Archbishop is friendly to tradition and has even celebrated in the Immemorial Rite. As already indicated in the past, Cordileone's opponents hardly shrink from attempting to discredit the Archbishop and force him out of office.
However, the latest attempt backfired.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: TLDM / Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com