Edit: a Facebook Group called, "Clean the Church" just noted that Bishop Robber Barron is setting his destructive sights on something new. The Bible. Will his Bible be gay friendly and approved? Barron is going to do the Gospels so you can, "read them like no one has read them before." Novelty isn't a good thing.
+Barron's "Producer"! As JohnPaul Norris notes:
Oh boy! It looks like "hell is almost empty" and "everyone has a reasonable chance of going to heaven", gay-promoting Bishop Robert Barron has decided to publish his own version of the Bible...
I wonder if his bodybuilding "producers" also edited his version of the Bible..
I guess that explains why Barron says so many disquieting things when it comes to challenging the consensus on aberrosexuality.
(Mexico City) Bishop Raul Vera Lopez of Saltillo in Mexico, because of his social commitment and recently his activism known through the Church for the recognition of homosexuality, is the media favorite ahead of a Pastoral Visit by Pope Francis in Mexico. On Sunday, El Universal , the largest daily newspaper in the country published an interview with him. The bishop described Pope Francis as "muy hábil, muy cuco", as "very clever, very clever."
Pope Francis has "numerous changes" ahead, but they seem "more cosmetic" says El Universal . It was a statement with which Bishop Vera Lopez disagreed because "the problem" is the priests: "We are the problem." [You got that right.]
As regards the remarried divorcees, the Bishop hopes for the synod, as Pope Francis "is very skilled, very skilled, muy cuco', as my people say, very smart." The people, says the bishop, would expect the Church to be more "human". He knew people who would leave the Church because of this matter. "That's what it's like with the gays," said Vera Lopez.
El Universal : Let's talk about this topic: you celebrating mass with the gay flag. Should the Church recognize the marriage between two persons of the same sex?
Vera Lopez: Their identity is their identity. I think we in the Church have to be much more objective and should examine the subject, but from a different angle.
"It is a question of mentalities"
El Universal : From the point of view that we are all children of God?
The Scriptures have been conceived as "too narrow," so the bishop. The biblical story is not about homosexuality but about unethical exploitation. The people of Sodom were barbarians, the city an economic center. There was much lack of respect for the person there. The narrative described moral decline. "Reading will show us," said Vera Lopez.
El Universal : So, it's a battle of interpretations?
Vera Lopez: No, it's a battle of mentalities, not the interpretations.
Bishop Vera Lopez belongs to a small circle of church and media representatives with whom Pope Francis will meet behind closed doors in confidential meetings during his Mexico trip.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: El Universal (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...
"Charta der Vielfalt" Luxemburg -- Even the Archdiocese is on board.
(Luxembourg) they call it "Diversity Charter", which is obviously what it represents: the promotion of "diversity". "Diversity" is one of those "magic words" for a socio-political "reorganization". This includes especially the "diversity of sexual orientation". But some chief pastors surrender naively and bow to the dictates of gender ideologues.
What ideas are behind the " Charte de la diversité "?
The "Charte de la diversité" was first published in France in 2004 and goes back to an initiative of the Institut Montaigne. The Institute is a liberal think tank founded in 2000, which is funded by many of the largest public and private companies in France. Its origin in France is linked directly with the republican and secular, anti-monarchist and anti-Catholic official doctrine of 1905.
In Germany in 2006, although the historical conditions are quite different, has adopted and published it literally as a "Charta der Vielfalt" directly from major companies such as Daimler, German Bank, Deutsche Telekom, and Deutsche BP. The whole thing was done with the support of the Federal Government.Chancellor Angela Merkel who appeared personally as patroness.
The official goal of the Charter reads: "to establish equal opportunities for employees." However, the companies are committed not only to the "equal opportunities", but operate as engines of socio-political changes. The Charter states that the "German economy" could develop "globalization" and "demographic change" only if it promotes and utilizes the "diversity" (diversity) of employees.
Concretely, the fight against "discrimination" and the promotion of gender ideology and mass displacements of people through migration. For example, the French bank BNP Paribas is one of the signatories of the "Charte de la diversité. This past January 12 they held a meeting, which was devoted to gay-lesbian-bisexual-transsexual milieu of the company. Among the invited speakers was also the spokesman for the Gay Pride France .
"Pact of Steel" between the "strong powers"
The "Charter" has spread to the business level in several countries and coalesced in the most divergent circles. Private companies, public companies and associations have pledged with their signature under the "Charter" to "overthrow stereotypes and platitudes," to combat "discrimination" and to create an "inclusive society".
Every year on May 12, an international Diversity Day is organized. In Luxembourg it will be committed in 2016 for the second time. It is a kind of hard with meetings, workshops, exhibitions, product launches and all will be advertised with its own website. The aim of the rally is summarized in the motto: "Working for diversity". They essay to "change the daily lives of citizens in their homes, influence their habits and become part of their daily lives".
The objectives are a challenge. No more talk of freedom, self-determination, self-responsibility, free will, freedom of expression. Instead we a "Pact of Steel", so Corrispondenza Romana , instead there is a pact concluded between the "strong powers." Large enterprises and government institutions join forces to influence the habits and behaviors of citizens. What is advertised as a voluntary step, it is feared, could go faster than thought to a ban for non-compliance and then coercion.
The Promoters
Population displacement and gender theory: cooperation between Caritas and "Charte de la diversité"
It is not surprising when among the promoters of the "Charter of Diversity" the European Commission finds the actual institutional powerhouse of the European Union, just like the Luxembourg family, Equality and Integration Ministry.
Promoters in Luxembourg are the already mentioned Deutsche Bank and all leading financial and investment institutions (PWC, RBC Investor & Treasury Services, IMS, etc.).
Among them is also Sodexo, the world leader in things dealing with the "quality of life". The Sodexo operates in 80 countries and has 428,000 employees. "Catering, Community Care and Facility Management" are the services for industrial companies, government agencies, hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, retirement and nursing homes, schools, kindergartens, nurseries, prisons and military installations. Sodexo also plays with the mass immigration business. In several countries, it is in charge of food, accommodation and management of asylum seekers.
The Promoter Committee of the 2nd Diversity Day also includes the American Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg . The American Chamber of Commerce is a private organization and describes himself as a "non-profit". It is present in each case as an association in Austria and Switzerland. The expansion was carried out in parallel with the Marshall Plan for Europe. As the socio-political ambitions show, it is not just about bringing together business people and philanthropic objectives.
The Luxembourg patron of the "Charter of Diversity" is the 43 year-old Family and Integration Minister, Corinne Cahen who is also simultaneously the president of the liberal Democratic Party in the Grand Duchy, which has been forming since 2014 a coalition government with the Social Democrats and Greens.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Luxembourg has signed "Charte de la diversité"
It is not only the orthodox and non-orthodox Left and the Jewish Minister who eagerly collaborate, but it is also the Catholic Church in Luxembourg. Since 2011, Jean-Claude Hollerich is a Jesuit archbishop of the Grand Duchy. Msgr. Hollerich studied at the Gregorian University in Rome, at the Jesuit College Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt and at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. At the University of Bonn, he received his doctorate and has lived and worked for several years in Japan.
In 2012 he opposed the abortion law debated by Parliament. The Greens in the country indicated his rejection of abortion as "archaic and extremist" and his defense of the right to life of unborn children as an "anachronistic world view".
At the Second Diversity Day there was a solemn ceremony in which all signatories of the Charter committed themselves publicly to promote "diversity" by concrete actions. Among the signatories in the category of "Company", the subcategory "foundations, NGOs" can be found "Catholic Church - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Luxembourg". The archdiocese is managed as a company with more than 300 employees, which is committed in the collective agreement 'to respect diversity ".
Rejected resignation of Rome
It is thus hard to believe Archbishop Hollerich would not have understood what is represented by the "Charte de la diversité". This isn't the first time the archbishop has stumbled. It was he who signed a new agreement between Church and State almost a year ago. With the state is meant the governing Traffic Light Coalition, since December 2013. With this convention, religious instruction has disappeared from Luxembourg school programs and the public subsidies for the Church were reduced by 30 percent. Not even the eagerly encouraged commitment of the Church in social services and education were appreciated. In addition, the maintenance of the churches were left to the Church alone.
Archbishop Hollerich tried to whitewash this affront to the Church with a quote from Pope Francis, "The Church of the poor is a richer Church." The Luxembourg Catholics understood only too well. RTL reported "violent tensions". According to media reports, Archbishop Hollerich wanted to fly the coop because of the disaster. As always, according to the RTL the 57 year old senior shepherd has already submitted his resignation to the Vatican "for health reasons".
The application will have been rejected by Pope Francis, himself a Jesuit. Archbishop Hollerich was merely "granted" an Auxiliary Bishop. Luxembourg Catholics see in this "the danger that the difficulties are only going to increase," said Corrispondenza Romana .
Text. Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...
(Rome) Bishop José Raúl Vera López, Dominican and Diocesan Bishop of Saltillo in Mexico, is held to be the "bishop of the gay lobby" in the Catholic Church. The Liberation Theology "inspired" chief shepherd has been known in recent years primarily for his vociferous defense of homosexuality. On the day before the opening of the Synod of Bishops in 2015 on the family, Raul Vera was a "special guest" at a meeting of a "Catholic Gay Network" in Rome. Next February, he will be one of a small circle of selected persons with whom Pope Francis meets during his Mexico visit in secret.
When homo-meeting in Rome Bishop Raul Vera said to aberrosexuals: "You are our savior." He continued: "Who are small but well-organized, to defeat the monsters, and you are well organized and will conquer." That was considered just "little infidelity" by many. However, there was no Apostolic Visitor seen by Bishop Raul Vera in Saltillo, let alone being deprived of his office, as compared that has been issued to Opus Dei bishops, including Bishop Livieres Plano of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. [And +Finn of Kansas] The Mexican media have already been writing since 2011 about Raul Vera: "People think that the bishop is not a Catholic."
The journalist Emiliano Ruiz Parra wrote benevolently about him: "The Bishop of Saltillo is convinced that there is no salvation in heaven without liberation on earth. (...) He defends the Central American migrants, the miners, the homosexuals, the indigenous people, sex workers, the families of the disappeared in the Civil War. " It pleased him to be "different".
In an interview with El Pais, Bishop Raul Vera told proudly what he said to a mother who had come to him to complain to him of her sorrow that her son was gay: "You have to condemn yourself, because your son has become that way in your belly. If he became the way he is, then it was in your stomach."
To have for each battle of the political left and let the unborn child in the lurch: Bishop Raul Vera
Catholic teaching on homosexuality "insane"
"Homophobic", is what the bishop says of all who reject homosexuality, who are "insane". Thus the bishop describes the Catholic doctrine and Catholics as "insane", are what protesting Catholics write in their letters to Rome.
In fact, Raul Vera made fun in 2013 at the 33rd Congress of Liberation Theology in Madrid of what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about homosexuality. The Congress was supported by organizations representing abortion and gender ideology. For Raul Vera it's no problem. By 2011, the bishop called for the legalization of abortion in Mexico and started a collaboration with abortion organizations. For this he has been proposed for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 "because of his struggle for human rights."
For his 25th anniversary, Bishop Raul Vera invited all leaders of Marxist liberation Theology, from Gustavo Gutierrez to Jon Sobrino. In 2011 he was warned by the Vatican because of his support for homosexual groups, which has changed nothing.
Following the example of the Bishop other priests in Saltillo talk in the sense of "gay lobby." Don Pedro Pantoja, director of the Casa del Migrante of Saltillo, is just one of them. In 2014 he told the press: "The Church can not reject the adoption rights for homosexuals out of respect for diversity."
"Padre Gofo" (left) in strange costume, Bishop Raul Vera (right)
"Padre Gofo" and Bishop Raul Vera
Adolfo Huerta Aleman, popularly known as "Padre Gofo", is a priest of the Diocese of Saltillo, who has denied the existence of God and publicly boasted to entertain "frequent and alternating sexual relations". Nevertheless, Bishop Raul Vera only suspended him "temporarily" until July 2013, only after the Congregation for the Clergy in Rome had become involved.
Criticism of Pope Benedict XVI. appearing in the church newspaper of Saltillo were de rigeur. Raul Vera has described himself as a "controversial bishop". From a part of his diocese, he is rejected as a "liberal" who "twists the gospel" and "betrays the Catholic Church".
The closed and the open doors of Pope Francis
The late Bishop Livieres Plano left a flourishing diocese. His diocese, with just one-tenth of the Catholics of Paraguay, had three times as many seminarians as all other dioceses together. Which is a - not only - Latin American theme of vocations - and the shortage of priests. Argentina native went to Rome in September 2014 and was deposed during his absence from his diocese by Pope Francis. In Ciudad del Este, it is said that he was downright "lured" to Rome, because once there the bishop was simply allowed to stand before closed doors. The reason for the dismissal was given that he had disrupted the community of the Paraguayan Bishops. Despite his repeated entreaties, Pope Francis refused a discussion.
Quite different is the case Saltillo. Bishop Raul Vera is invited for next February by Pope Francis, where during a pastoral visit to Mexico, he will meet privately, wrote InfoVaticana. To be precise, it is a semi-private meeting at which only a small group of selected journalists and bishops will participate, a total of 20 people. And Bishop Raul Vera will be one of the elect.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Images: Wikicommons / InfoVaticana / El Gatopardo (Screenshot)
Update: on second glance, this is starting to look suspiciously like an admission of guilt without any remediation.
Edit: as if to lend a further boost of credence to Voris' recent charge. Knowing is half the battle!
[NCR] Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga has confirmed the presence of a homosexual “lobby” in the Vatican and revealed that Pope Francis is trying “little by little to purify it.”
The Honduran Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, who coordinates the Council of Nine cardinals advising the Pope on reform of the Roman Curia and Church governance, was responding to a question from a Honduran newspaper reporter who asked him whether there had been “an attempt to infiltrate the gay community in the Vatican, or a moment when that had actually happened?”
Cardinal Rodriguez replied: “Not only that, also the Pope has said there is even a ‘lobby’ in this sense. Little by little the Pope is trying to purify it.” He added: “One can understand them [members of the lobby] and there is pastoral legislation to attend to them, but what is wrong cannot be truth.”