The Freemasons Seek Among Other Things, Secret Knowledge About the World and What it Contains, but Without Christendom. Excerpt from the Bible le moraliseé, the Creation of the World (Around 1220)
On November 12, in Syracuse, a conference entitled "Church and Freemasonry - So close, So Far?" has taken place. It was organized by the Grand Orient of Italy. Speakers included the theologian Monsignor Maurizio Aliotta (Archbishopric of Syracuse), Msgr. Antonio Staglianò (Bishop of Noto), and Sergio Rosso and Santi Fedele, both grand dignitaries of the Grand Orient.
The Franciscan of Immaculata, Paolo Maria Siano, one of the best authorities on Freemasonry, wondered:
"Why this conference?"
Masonic meeting in Syracuse
The official reason was the 300th anniversary of the founding of Freemasonry in 1717. In an article in Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the priest Ennio Stamile wrote that "despite the differences, it is good," genuine ways of serving the common good and the transparent and responsible use of social justice."
So is it "a Catholic-Masonic co-operation on the level of social justice and solidarity?" is the question asked by Father Siano, who analyzed the four main addresses.
Masonic Grand Lodge of England (London), the Mother of All Lodges, which celebrates its tricentennial this year
(Rome) The Vatican has refused accreditation to the Lebanese ambassador to the Holy See for his membership in a Masonic lodge.
"I am a Mason, but not active"
Consul General Ibrahim visiting an Armenian Hierarch in the United States
Johnny Ibrahim, who currently serves as the Lebanese Consul General in Los Angeles, has been appointed Ambassador for the Holy See by his country's government. As the Vaticanist Franca Giansoldati reported yesterday, the reason his nomination was rejected by the Holy See attributed to his Freemasonry.
Johnny Ibrahim is said to be associated with the Masonic Grand Orient of France. He himself confirmed his lodge members, but assures us that he is not active. This is similar to how Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen explained himself last year. In three television debates, the two candidates of the Federal presidential ballot met each other. Each time his opponent confronted him with his lodge membership. Van der Bellen denied it twice, the third time he admitted it by saying that he had been active "only" for a few years, then ten years passively, and finally lapsed.
The Grand Orient of France is one of the world's largest Masonic organizations. The refusal of accreditation for Ibrahim equals a renewed condemnation of Freemasonry.
1717 - 2017: 300 years of Freemasonry
The lodges are celebrating their 300th anniversary this year. In 1717, the first Grand Lodge was built in London. A short time later, the Church pronounced the first condemnation because the worldview of the lodges was incompatible with Christianity. In recent decades, attempts have been made several times, especially in German-speaking countries, to lift the sentence. When the new Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC) was published in1983 and no explicit mention of Freemasonry was found in it, the matter was considered finished, the promoters of the Catholic-Mason reconciliation jubilated. Then came a damper.
Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, who co-authored the CIC, is said to have rushed to Pope John Paul II to voice his concern that some Church leaders see a "rapprochement" with Freemasonry. He is said to have told the pope:
"If Your Holiness cancels the canonical ban on Masonry, the next conclave will look like a Lodge."
Whether it actually happened that way can not be proven. The fact is that the then prefect of the Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, made it clear in the same year that in relation to Freemasonry there is no change in the ecclesiastical position. Due to the change of canon law, a Catholic, anyone initiated in the lodge, no longer automatically incurs excommunication. Instead, the CIC Canon 1374 demands that a "just punishment" be imposed upon the declaration of a lodge membership.
However, Cardinal Ratzinger made it clear that Catholics who belong to a Lodge are still not admitted to the sacraments, not because they are excommunicated, but because they are in a state of grave sin.
The Lebanese government will have to nominate another diplomat for ambassador to the Holy See. Lebanon is the country with the largest proportion of Christians in the Middle East.
Update: State Advocate for the Minnesota Knights of Columbus made the following disingenuous statement: "We would allow gay and lesbian use of the KC Hall as long as they were not publicly opposing church teaching."
Perhaps the folks at CPCSM would be interested in renting a hall in the future, or perhaps the Ku Klux Klan?
You can call Mr. Terwedo at (952) 492-2200.
Edit: Isn't it great when two fraternal organizations whose mutual association would be frowned upon by the Catholic Church, look past all that to break bread in an official capacity?
FYI, from then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger via here:
It has been asked whether there has been any change in the Church’s decision in regard to Masonic associations since the new Code of Canon Law does not mention them expressly, unlike the previous code.
This sacred congregation is in a position to reply that this circumstance is due to an editorial criterion which was followed also in the case of other associations likewise unmentioned inasmuch as they are contained in wider categories.
Therefore, the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and, therefore, membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.
It is not within the competence of local ecclesiastical authorities to give a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which would imply a derogation from what has been decided above, and this in line with the declaration of this sacred congregation issued Feb. 17,1981. 4 .
In an audience granted to the undersigned cardinal prefect, the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II approved and ordered the publication of this declaration which had been decided in an ordinary meeting of this sacred congregation.
Rome, from the Office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Nov. 26, 1983 English translation from Latin. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect. Father Jerome Hamer, O.P., Titular Archbishop of Lorium, Secretary."Declaration of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith"; 26 November 1983.5 .
Templar Lodge No. 176 in St. Louis Park is hosting a special fundraising event for their Master, W. Brother Scott Anderson. Scott is 42 years old and recently suffered two strokes.
The medical bills are high and the lodge is trying to raise some money and then go to the Grand Lodge for some matching funds in an effort to help him out.
The pancake breakfast is on Sunday, August 12th, 9:00 a.m. until ...1:00 p.m. At the Marian hall, Knights of Columbus, 1114 American Boulevard West, Bloomington. Cost is $7.00 a plate and includes pancakes, sausage, milk and juice.
Can’t make it but you would still like to contribute? Please feel free to send a donation to Templar Lodge No. 176 Secretary Michael Dunn, 7400 Beard Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443-3534.
Thank you for your consideration.
Douglas Campbell - Grand Secretary - Grand Lodge of Minnesota