Edit: Bergoglio has more faith in the accepted scientific hegemony and eventual solution to what he perceives are thw world's problems, the usual platitudes about hunger, evolution and human understanding.
Since he doesnt have hope and faith in the Savior, what does he believe? The Noosphere?
He’s not extolling the religion of Christianity, he’s advancing globalist secular humanism.
His brush with death has left him more confirmed in this cold and dark agenda than ever before, and he invokes its Anti-Saint, Chardin.
We can cite as an example of this type of research Fr. Teilhard de Chardin and his attempt - certainly partial and unfinished, but daring and inspiring - to enter seriously into dialogue with the sciences, practising an exercise in trans-disciplinarity. It is a risky path, which leads us to wonder: “I ask whether it is necessary for someone to throw the stone into the pond – indeed, to end up being ‘killed’ – to open the way”.1 Thus he launched his insights that focused on the category of relationship and interdependence between all things, placing homo sapiens in close connection with the entire system of living things.
In Leo XIII' s 1893 encyclical Providentissumus Deus, he wrote that there is no contradiction between religious truth and scientific truth. They both serve the Truth.
Furthermore, in the encyclical Leo bypassed biblical fundamentalism completely when he insisted that on the level of Creation, Religions simply holds that God created the universe but Science explains how God did the creating.
And how scientific is piltdown man or manmade global warming?
It was on Return to Tradition this morning
"Science" is not fact. It is the provisional short-term understanding of facts we know at a given time, based on how they can solve or explain certain phenomena.
Science is a means to levy taxes by controlling energy production and consumption.
I can’t wait for it to all end. It’s been a long nightmare and a huge ice cream headache.
The word "science" derives from the Latin word 'Scentia" whcih means knowledge, 'known facts' at any given time. However, science is not static but grows and develops.
My dog eats cat shit
Check this out!
Hey Gabrielle:
Do you eat cat shit?
Yes, he does
I do not get why, just because of this declaration, the Argentinian in White is charged of promoting the "Globohomo" and the beatification of Teilhard the Chardin.
Not that he has not said other things much more favorable to the "Globohomos" previously, of course.
Regarding Teilhard the Chardin, I also do not get why by talking about some of his views he is promoting his sainthood. Some of his views have also been defended by Joseph Ratzinger and just express basic truths of our faith, which does not mean he (T.de Chardin) perhaps may be not always orthodox.
Too much negative sensationalism at an inadequate moment, seems to me.
Too much faggotry can destroy your sensitivity to Jewish control.
"Too much faggotry can destroy your sensitivity to Jewish control."
Tell us more about your own experience, Anonwiki 3:12.
You can't make this stuff up. Former Prots converting to the Novus Ordo false church and running YouTube Channels to make excuses for and prop up a Catholic Church that's been gone since 1960. Two things, in 1970, the Latin Masses were replaced with Novus Ordos. The Catholic Church would not and could not do that. Put all of the Prophecies and Scandals aside. That is proof positive the Holy Spirit, the Restrainer, is gone. One of the big reasons for this is the corrupt Vatican Bank. Google Bernardino Nogara.
Room for improvement, Ivan, especially in the basic areas like taking Jesus seriously when he promised to be with the Church/ his followers until the end of time. The good old Logic needs a bit of updating while you're at it. You're sounding like the human freckle in the White House.
You don’t *really* believe it yourself, Gaybrielle.
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