Sunday, February 2, 2025

How many more have to die?

Something we at EF have discussed before.


JFK Bob said...

DEI has no place in the control tower.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to factor into the DEI matter, the pressing danger of pilots dying suddenly at the controls from complications resulting from COVID Vaccination shots.
Thank God the Donald and water boy Sean will fix it.

Steve Kennedy said...

DEI hiring started long before the jab mandates. And those hired under DEI provided no resistance to the Fauci Ouchie.
I left and don’t regret it.
Trying to train all of the people Obama pulled out of McDonalds to work in ATC was a nightmare.
I think the PSA crew is without fault in this accident. I’m not so certain about the trannies in the tower and in the egg beater.

Anonymous said...

I think Steve's interview with the guy in the suit indicates that the people who work in different areas of the airport during the day are not ATC professionals but the cleaning staff.

Joe said...

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Anonymous said...

So Victor Davis Hanson is the all knowing Oracle, Joe. Well, his magisterium saves you thinking, eh?

Anonymous said...

Two DEI driven near misses over DEN yesterday and no one is talking about it.

Jean said...

Bobby Hall said...

Maybe she was taking a dump when she flew the helicopter into the jet?

Anonymous said...

Jack said...