Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Biden Comes Out as a Mason

Edit: as one commenter says, Biden has been a Mason for a long time. Here he’s confirmed in the 33rd Degree. Aside from lip service, he never gave much evidence of being Catholic.



Gabby said...

Fake news. Enjoy living under a fascist. https://tinyurl.com/9xf9srx7

Myron Cornelius said...

What a loser. He didn't join the prestigious Scottish or York Rite. Oh no, he joined a South Carolina Price Hall Lodge. Say, did he remember to go to Mass that Sunday?

Anonymous said...

That demented old fool had no idea if he had joined the Masons or the Girl Scouts.

Anonymous said...

He’s been a Mason for a while.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. Sleepy Joe gets invited into the brotherhood of the bell by CornPop

Mark S