Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Best Argument Against Ordaining Women

Edit: as law enforcement fans out across the country to apprehend murderous, thieving, raping, larcenous drug dealing individuals who’ve invaded the country, this smug, evil Episcopagan prelate has confronted the Don. Like most women, she has no business in public life. She wants to hand the United States over to foreign invaders.

Why isn’t her husband Paul reigning her in?

These kinds of suicidal announcements are why the Anglican Church is dying out. 



Anonymous said...

Mind you she was addressing her remarks to a thirty four times convicted felon so the Donald enjoys the company of the people he rails against.

Anonymous said...

What a shock that this old bag is lecturing the President! Why did he go into that pesthole called a church anyway? "The President's Church" my a**.
You knew that they would drag up some old, dusty dyke to give her 5 minutes of "glory".

Tancred said...

I’ll bet you’re as pure as the driven snow, Flaybrielle. Ever been accused of something you didn’t do by people with an agenda?

Anonymous said...

You, for one.

Jose said...

A convicted felon releasing fellow convicted felons. All in the family. How nice. Such a fairytale. I feel like crying.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you go, Josë! I wonder if we can block all the ISPs from Kent?

Tancred said...

Then shut it, Gaybrielle.

Anonymous said...

I am trying but......."I wish I could quit you, Ennis".

Anonymous said...

Tancred, please stop bickering and just enjoy on the fiddler’s tune. The old hag had her solo, but the song goes on. Take comfort in that.

CR said...

She can’t be ordained. Did you like me better with my Afro?
