Thursday, December 12, 2024

Popeski Secretary Living With Boyfriend in Stylish Krakow

Edit: What’s with the blogsites named after Bible passages? How about a blogsite called Unam Sanctam?

The author’s name is “Msgr” Gene Thomas Gormulka. He is an ordained priest from Altoona Diocese and was a Navy Captain. He was also named Prelate or Honor by Popeski.   Some may remember the heretical +Adamec of Altoona-Jonestown who passed away “suddenly” in 2019. Gormulka jumped ship and married. He has two children.

Dziwisz was a big advocate for Popeski’s canonization. If anything should invalidate modern canonizations, this might be it. The canonization of John Paul II was a disaster, but it was meant to placate conservatives in the Church in the face of Paul IV and John XXIII canonizations.  Surely, they’ll canonize just about anyone.

Anyway, here it is!

[John18:35] The Polish media have created a stir recently by outing Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, the former personal secretary of Saint John Paul II, for carrying on a homosexual relationship with an Italian, Andrea Nardotto, whom he ​ordained a permanent deacon in a private ceremony in Warsaw. This news report is similar to howMonsignor Battista Ricca whom Pope Francis placed in charge of his Vatican residence, the Casa Santa Marta, was reported for cohabitating with a Swiss Army captain, Patrick Harri, when he was assigned to the Nunciature in Uruguay.



Tom said...

Dare we hope that all men will be canonized?

Anonymous said...

1Peter5 is gay too

Rick Roll said...

Why doesn't this surprise me?

Anonymous said...

Girls will be girls. ("Does this white Chasuble make me look fat"?)

Anonymous said...

What would their mothers say?

Anonymous said...

The military, a field overwhelmingly male, including in this case the US Navy, sure attracts a disproportionate number of homos. Kudos to Tancred for devising the sobriquet Popeski! LOL Tancred is better than the old Joey Adams.

Dawn said...

The Nazis and Communist frequently falsely accused the Polish clergy of being sodomites & pederasts. I suspect that is at work here.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, my dear, in case you had not noticed, homos in the priesthood have been a topic worldwide, for the past 6 decades. The Krauts and Commies used it in 1935. The Church didn't need their input from 1946 onward. The Church did that to itself.

Anonymous said...

I had three copies of Witness to Hope with me in a briefcase, one for the pope and the others for his secretaries. But as I sat down at the dinner table after John Paul’s typically rapid-fire Latin grace before meals, a previously unmeditated question occurred: What does a biographer say to his subject when giving him his life, so to speak? No elegant resolution of this dilemma presenting itself, I walked around the table, gave the book to the pope, said something anodyne, like “Well, here it is,” and then offered copies to Bishop Stanisław Dziwisz and Msgr. Mieczysław Mokrzycki. I would like to report that an intense conversation ensued, but everyone immediately turned to the book’s photo section, and there was much chaffing about pictures of the now-balding Bishop Dziwisz with a headful of curly hair.

- George Weigel

Well the patron of the New Evangelization didn't find anything wrong with Dziwisz.

Anonymous said...

Read the book, by Saint Damien, Gomorrah, who is a
also a Doctor of the Church. He wrote to the Pope more than a thousand years
ago seeking to get him to
Assist the in stamping out the James Martin Vice and heresy.



Gomorrah Doctor of the Church

Anonymous said...

For George the Self-Loather, the only ones in step in the parade are the Poles.

Anonymous said...

Great line "jumped ship and married."

Anonymous said...

I’m not defending anyone here but just felt like opining that the Church has been going downhill since JPII. Both the traditionalists (Benedict XVI) and the liberals (Francis) have clearly demonstrated that all they are good at is constant bickering and in-fighting while Catholicism continues its wholesale rot and implosion from within. Maybe the sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

Come back to comment when your country is 98% Catholic.

Anonymous said...

The Krauts and Commies these days call themselves “journalists” and “the intelligentsia.” Still can’t believe the are attacking JPII almost a quarter of a century after he died. Playing right into the Martini playbook of corrupting his legacy. Probably have an axe to grind against Catholic moral theology too. It’s always about some personal pelvic issue problem deep down.

Anonymous said...

You are correct about many problems stemming from the JPII era but the factions are progressives, conservatives(e.g. Benedict XVI) and then trads ( SSPX). JPII fell in between the conservatives and the progressives. Beyond some symbolic disciplining of some progressives like Küng, JPII largely allowed the progressives to fun amok while comparatively he brought down the hammer on the smaller trad side.

Since 2013 the biggest development is that many conservative types have now turned against the progressives. These Johnny come lately types supported about 90% of what Francis says now when JPII did it but now find it intolerable when Francis does it for some reason.

Anonymous said...

The progressives were in control since Paul VI. JPII attempted to right the ship, at least on a doctrinal level. He also had a loud, public voice with which he advocated faith, religion and spirituality, especially Eucharistic and Marian spirituality. While his liturgical and episcopal choices were not the best, at least people knew what Catholic teaching was. It is unfair to his legacy to say “everything” he did was “bad.” Comparatively he was miles ahead of what passes for “Catholicism” today. Benedict developed on his legacy but his decision to resign was disasterous and more “liberal” than anything JPII might have done wrong.

Anonymous said...

Popeski refused to pay Oriana Fallaci book royalties owed to her by his diocese because “Poland is a Communist country”.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but have you read the essays by the Vaticanista Smir Kemp-Payne? He analyzes current church issues from the psychological perspective of narcissistic power-dynamics.