Friday, October 11, 2024

EMJ skins Trent Horn alive over Jewish Fables.


Austin said...

Like a dog that can’t walk away from it’s vomit 🤮, you always return to antisemitism

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Stop noticing, goys!!

Anonymous said...

I was trying to e-mail the following to you but could not get across to you on your Vekron e-mail number. Th e Zionists are supporting Isliam and are intolerant of the Catholic religion. I suppose this is relevant for this particular post.
In Christ


Google closes a blog which demonstrates that Vatican Council II says Islam is not a path to salvation (AG 7) and Mohammad is lost forever (AG 7).It cites the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845,846-No salvation outside the Catholic Church) and notes that LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are not objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, they being hypothetical and invisible cases in 1965-2024.

The blog Eucharist and Mission owned by Lionel Andrades in Rome, was informed by Microsoft Inc. that it would be closed on Sept 8, 2024, since it was allegedly not being used. Then last week there were claims of Copyright infringement.This is even though the blog posts cited for infringement, had a link to the source. On Oct.8, 2024 Google announced that the blog had been closed down and all the content would be deleted.

Eucharist and Mission citing Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation) pointed out that all Jews and Muslims need to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church for salvation, from Hell ( AG 7, LG 16, CCC 845,846,1257 etc).

So the blog was citing official and Magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church and not just the personal opinion of one person. So Google’s decision was seen as intolerance of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

This blog carried pictures of Mohammad in Dante’s Inferno, pointing out that the Quran indicates that Mohammad knew about Jews and the Church and yet did not enter and so is lost (AG 7, LG 16).

In Rome, Muslims know about Jesus and the Church, His Mystical Body. They also die, without faith and the baptism of water.

The blog was active since 2010 and had nearly three million viewers. There were over 6,000 posts, most of them were original reports.

Anonymous said...

It mentioned ‘a new discovery’ on Vatican Council II which would overnight take the Catholic Church back to Tradition and end the traditionalist-liberal divide and the liberalism of the Synods. Pope Francis had simply to announce that Lumen Gentium 16 (being saved in invincible ignorance) refers to a hypothetical case, a invisible person in 2024.It would be understood that the Council had no objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, of the Church Councils and that most people, who die outside the Church in the present times, are oriented to Hell.

The Bible says enter through the narrow gate (which is the Church with its faith and moral teachings) for the road to Hell is wide and most people take it.

God is love and wants us to love and serve everyone (irrespective of religion or ideology) and to do His will and not our own. The Bible, which comes to us through the Catholic Church, says all need the Eucharist for salvation ( John 6) and that those who do not believe in Jesus as the Savior, whom God has sent for these end times ( John 3, Mark 16:16 etc) will be condemned. It will be the Word of God which will condemn them after the Final Judgment.

The Bible comes to us through a Council of the Catholic Church, which put together the inspired manuscripts into a single book, some 300 years after the birth of Jesus Christ.

It is the Catholic Church which has given Western civilization its advancement in science, culture and the arts. Centuries before Galileo, Copernicus and Ptolemy, a bishop and a priest, showed in their mathematics and the study of the stars, that the universe was heliocentric.

Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation is a Conciliar and Magisterial teaching. It means when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally, without confusing what is implicit as being explicit (LG 16), the Church supports the Tradition of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and rejects the liberalism of Pope Francis, Archbishop Fernandez and the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.

The blog had reconciled Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with all the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms. It exposed the objective error in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston which was repeated by Pope Paul VI in 1949.

The owner of the blog was neither a Latin-Mass traditionalist and nor a liberal.- Lionel Andrades

Anonymous said...


Press Release


Google has closed down the blog Eucharist and Mission (Lionel’s blog). The information and insights were unique and would take the Catholic Church back to Tradition, immediately, in opposition to the Jewish Left and the enemies of the Church.

Owned by Lionel Andrades it was the only blog which showed how with the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II, it is Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez who are in schism and not Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.

It also showed how Ad Gentes 7 etc can be interpreted as a hypothetical case in 2024.So then the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed are not contradicted. So children at First Holy Communion and Confirmation preparation classes could be taught that outside the Church there is no salvation (AG 7) and other religions are not paths to salvation (AG 7, CCC 845,846,1257, CDF, Notification, Fr. Jacques Dupuis sj 2001 etc).

It could be a misdemeanor for Cardinal Fernandez to intentionally choose a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II in the Vigano-trial and demand that the archbishop do the same, to avoid excommunication, the blog mentioned recently.

Fernandez asked Vigano to be in communion with the Church in which Pope Francis and all the cardinals interpret Vatican Council II with a fake premise and inference. In this way only they could produce a fake rupture with Catholic Tradition (EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc). Also all priests, especially priest-professors and those who hold judicial office, are expected morally, to only choose the rational premise (invisible people are invisible) to interpret Lumen Gentium 16 etc.

According to the Italian legal system, when the Council is interpreted irrationally knowingly, it could be a ‘reato’.

Anonymous said...

If Pope Francis chooses to interpret Lumen Gentium 16 rationally, like the Novus Ordo –Mass- priests at Prenistina, Rome, it was reported, then it will be the German bishops and Synod-cardinals, who will be in schism, as the Council would no more support liberalism.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Vatican, made an objective mistake it was reported in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office(CDF/DDF) to the Archbishop of Boston. It confused invisible cases of the baptism of desire as being visible exceptions for traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which did not mention any exceptions. The popes from Pius XII to Francis ignored this objective mistake. The same confusion between what is implicit and explicit was made in the interpretation of Vatican Council II by Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Ottaviani and Archbishop Lefebvre and others in 1965.This error has spread throughou the Church like a theological epidemic, with spiritual consequences for billions.

So now cardinals Burke and Sarah interpret the Council irrationally confusing what is subjective as being objective- the same as cardinals Fernandez, Kasper and cardinal-elect Timothy Radcliffe op. The Council is only Magisterial when it is interpreted rationally. So the College of Cardinals, for future conclaves, are presently not Magisterial on Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They also interpret the Creeds irrationally, when there is a reference to the baptism of desire (BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I). Before 1949 BOD and I.I always referred to invisible cases on earth. This is common sense.

Eucharist and Mission had nearly three million viewers since 2010, it never asked for donations and never provided a bank account. It was being censored, especially the reports on Gisella Cardia the seer at Trevignon, Italy. She affirms Jesus as the only Savior of the world (and not one of others) unlike the local bishop and the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, which has excommunicated her.

Lionel continues with street evangelization in Rome. Its focus is on Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church in harmony with all the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms.- Lionel Andrades

E-mail contact number:

Anonymous said...

Dogs, vomit and jews.
Funny how you tie all of those together.