Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Why hasn't Mark Shea taken the latest booster?

As much as he appears to hate him, it's obvious that he shares more traits than he would be willing to admit.  Both have trouble admitting when they are wrong.   Trump will double down or, in this case, pivot toward something else.   Shea projects simplistic caricatures.   Has he forgotten that it was Trump who brought us Operation Warped Speed and talked about using the military to administer this "vaccine" he believed, at least until recently, had saved meeyons of lives?

The "vaccine" was withheld, as Trump claimed, until Biden's installation was secure.  Very quickly, those who said they would never take it, started to mandate it.   Trump was incensed he never got credit for its development and continued to crow about it despite being heckled at his own rallies.  It would seem he's found the better tactic is to criticize the mandates and not to jab itself.

"Protecting immunocompromised neighbors":   Does anyone still believe this bunk especially now that more people are walking around with Covid than at any time in 2020?

The best way Mark could protect those vulnerable to the dangers of the Plandemic would be to maximize his social distancing (say 6 MILES) and stay off the internet.

The questioner mentions Deacon Steven Greydanus (side issue: it's Reverend Mister.  We don't care for the permanent diaconate but this still isn't the First Abyssinian Baptist Church of East Main St.). Why would anyone take medical help from one of Nighty-night Baby's flunkies, a movie reviewer who called a film about a grown sodomite corn-holing an underage boy "winsome"?

Ed Feser is a strange case.  He's done yeoman's work advocating for the Church's traditional teaching on capital punishment (getting called Hitler by Shea for it) but he thought the "vaccine" was not the hill to die on.   And, like Bill Kristol's roomate,  he thinks being more pro-Life than the hierarchy isn't good enough.  Sorry clown, Trump only promised to throw it back to the states, but for 50 years you dutifully voted for GOP candidates who kept pulling the rug out from under us.  You just couldn't catch that ball and run with it because you were still Never-Trumpers.   Who can blame him for thinking it's a losing issue now?

To be certain the past decade with Francis, Trump, and the Plandemic have taken some casualties in Apologetics, Inc.   Consider Steve Skojec and cat lady Michelle Arnold.

Skojec was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.  It seemed to start when he took a now predictable position with respect to the story of Pio Nono and his adopted son Edgardo Mortara, which is an alternate way to reject EENS.   Then, he got into a fight with trads over giving daughters the HPV vaccines and whether or not NFP users could have less than pure motives.     When Covid hit, he stayed home and never clamored to return to Mass.   He hunkered down in fear, got jabbed, got Covid, and eventually, lost his faith completely.   Now, he drinks bourbon, smokes pot, and writes about UFOs and about why trads are evil.

It's hard not to pity former Catholic Answers staff apologist Michelle Arnold, a self-proclaimed Cat-Lady for Kamala.

Sure, she was a reliable Neo-Cat dipshit prior to Covid, but locking herself up allowed us to see she lacked any integrity whatsoever.   When vax-happy Cardinal McElroy finally rescinded the dispensation, she couldn't muster the courage to return to Mass.    Consider her statement in The Times of San Diego.   It's obvious this coward has been sheltered more than Kamala Harris has been since the annointing.

My reasons for not attending Mass originally had nothing to do with introversion. By the time I left my job as a professional apologist, I was pretty much becoming burned out altogether on being Catholic. Then there was the fact that the isolation and fear imposed by the pandemic transformed my deep social anxiety into a mild to moderate case of agoraphobia.

And it certainly didn’t help that all of the Catholics clamoring for churches to open and Mass restrictions to be lifted were the very people largely responsible for keeping the pandemic ongoing. I had no desire to be passing the peace with unmasked, unvaccinated Catholics, who I believe share some responsibility for COVID-19’s high death toll.

God help us if things ever get serious with celebrity Catholics like this.

be sure to get your HPV & Monkey Pox vaccines

I'll bet they could've easily got Mark Shea to say he wouldn't take it.

P.S:  Mark, should anything coincidental happen to you, you can also get a burner phone and place a call to The Sabatini Family Protection Agency.   They've been in the business of coincidence for centuries.



Ivan the Wonderful said...

These losers are as useless as a Covid vaccine

José Moralez said...

Hey Tucker
How many boosters have you taken?
Tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

Moderators: don’t let Gaybrielle post his idiotic comments. Thanks!

Milton said...

Is C-3PO gay?

Anonymous said...

Had to do a double-take. Is that Skojec? Pot gummies and UFO's are not doing him any favors. Just be thankful that you are not the wife. She must be a saint to not kick his behind down the highway.

Anonymous said...

Mark Shea watched a good friend and fellow parishoner die of "suddenly" right before his eyes. Shea, his wife and the (now deceased) friend were outside enjoying a nice day at the lake. She was young (around 40) and had no health problems that anyone knew about. It would be good for his sould to turn some of his famous vitriol onto the pharmaceutical companies and politicians who pushed, cajoled and demanded these injections.

Stop Voris said...

What an idiot

Mike S said...

None of those people look particularly healthy and they would probably benefit from a little bit of ivermectin and limiting their soy intake.

Tancred said...

She-hea should do the public penance and walk the gauntlet at Clear Creek.

Tancred said...

She-hea should do the public penance and walk the gauntlet at Clear Creek.

Anonymous said...

The tragic turn of these former Catholics aside, that Sabatini video was goldl!!

Stop Voris said...

I think the Sabatinis provide a valuable service.

Anonymous said...

Mr Tancred
Re: Lest we forget

The imperfect Mr Shea is in many ways the godfather of Catholic blogdom. Although he dismissed me from his own blog I remain grateful for his skillful defense of the Faith. He converted many.

God bless

Richard W Comerford

Anonymous said...

Saint Benedict Center was around long before Shea, and is still Catholic.

Most of the bloggers around Shea revealed themselves libs or left the Faith, or gave up.

Even Karl Keating endorsed Feeneyism!