Saturday, August 24, 2024

Telegram CEO Arrested in France

Edit: so, they wont allow a man who drugged and raped a 12 year old girl to be extradited to the country from which he fled, but they'll arrest this man?  



Anonymous said...

France can keep the ugly, degenerate, child rapist, jew, Polanski.
We don't want him back.

Anonymous said...

He fled justice.

Anonymous said...

David O'Neill said...

He is a disgrace to humanity

Anonymous said...

I do not want him in the U.S. Correctional system where my taxes will go toward housing and feeding this pig.

Anonymous said...

I don’t want the rule of law and order as a taxpayer. Jz should be able to flaunt that and get away with whatever they do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep posting these stupid links? No one looks at them.

Austin Whitebread said...

Are you actually a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre?
Do you think Cardinal Edwin O’Brien is/was Gay and Michael Voris claimed?
Have you ever read Mark Shea’s blog or Where Peter is?

Anonymous said...

What is a telegram?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It's the same thing as a VCR.

Anonymous said...

Or a radio.