Friday, August 2, 2024

Olympics Schtick: Thug Gordon Says, “It’s Almost Every Time”

 Edit: WOW, Thug Names Them!



Anonymous said...

Haven't seen Thug in a while.
Not looking too healthy these days.

Eugene said...

You're not going to look too healthy eking out a living as a blogger and eating discarded cans of cat food.
He actually doesn't name names but we know who he's talking about. This is dangerous territory. He's under the radar at YouTube and hasn't had anything pulled (which is a sign it's been worthless). I recommend finding another income stream. FWIW, North Idaho is also red. His friend Ryan Grant lives there and E. Michael Hoffman ll can always use help around the place. Dude has some talent and creds. He doesn't have to become a Grubhub Hustler like Steve Soyboy or pick up dog crap like Mark Sashay.

After he parted ways with Marshall Taylor, I thought he was trying to play it safe.

Stefan Ruckriem said...

Yo dudes, chillin' wiff da fam,

Why does he fuck up such useful commentary with hipster doofus crap talk?

Anonymous said...

I understand why he can't use the kike word.
Good to see people waking up.

Shaun Alpert said...

The neo-Cath grift mustn’t have been paying the bills.

Anonymous said...

If he can drive from Miss. to Florida in an RV with gas at $4.00/gallon, he is getting some money somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Where’d he get the RV? Must be doing OK if he can afford one of those. Looks relatively new.

Anonymous said...

8/2 @ 10:24am

If you think he speaks goofy you should hear his C-masc episodes.
There are three others that contribute that are just about as goofy.
Reminds me of the old Three Stooges episode where they belonged to the "Woman Haters Club".

Ken said...

You’ve never seen poor black people with nice stuff?

Ken said...

You’ve never seen poor black people with nice stuff?

Phil Wilson said...

Unfortunately, most people stopped listening to Thug after he got busted for pot.

Moe said...

August 3, 2024 at 2:12 AM:

Thug can't rhyme

Tim said...

Can you back up that claim?
Didn’t think so.

Anonymous said...

When did he get busted for pot?
Never heard that story.

Slayer of Youth said...

I’ve heard the rumor of weed, but Thug wasn’t fired for the reasons he stated.

Keith Levoni said...

Whether or not he got caught with weed at Garces HS, I don't care. I'm glad he isn't Jewing with Preppy Taylor anymore

Anonymous said...

Preppy Taylor has jumped on the sede bandwagon with Vigano.
He sees some potential profit in the new gig. That remains to be seen.
His FSSP parish would like to see him vamoose. His prominent association with them is not in their game plan.
Vigano seems to fading, bit by bit, every day. Like all sedes' he will find a small niche and remain there.

Anonymous said...

Preppy has also named them. Good for him!

Anonymous said...

Baloney! Show me the where and when Marshall named jews as evil.
He does NOT want to be demonetized.

Anonymous said...

Tom said...

The whole purpose of Marshall's book was to blunt the effect of EMJ's on the JQ

Anonymous said...

That’s five years ago.

Anonymous said...

People change

Nancy Thompson said...

He still acts like a user, which is his own biz. But, if he was selling to high schoolers to make ends meet because he wouldn’t get a vasectomy, that’s abhorrent. Does anyone have contacts at Garces?

Pete Novak said...

When did that song come out?

Anonymous said...

Why is he called Thug?

Cecil said...

He was given the name Thug by Frank Walker of because of his affected mannerisms copied from the Greatest America Hero character Tony Villicana.

Some think it was Vinny Barberino from Welcome Back Kotter but the similarities are just coincidental. He also employs spoonerisms like Archie Bunker and the Bowery Boys.

Wendy Kilmer said...

Anon 6:56

Because he acts like Bowser from Sha Na-na

Anonymous said...

Is he aware of this nickname?

Anonymous said...

Of course

Anonymous said...

It’s so sophomoric to call each other names. No wait, that’s the race for POTUS!

Frank Hitlaw said...

Did Timothy Gordon work on one of Michael Voris’es Lenten Cruises?
Church Militant website is down.

Anonymous said...

He did some educational stuff for CM in Ferngale but Michael would be too cheap to let him come along on a cruise for free.

Unless he could off Michael
other service(s)…..

Maria Taibi said...

This horny sweathog is called Thug because he affects a fake Sicilian persona to look tough.

Stephanie said...

This combox is a cesspool of slander. Take down the libelous comments or
you will be reported to Wordpress.

Anonymous said...

(((Shut it down!!!)))

Anonymous said...

I’m scared
