Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Possible Solution to our Problems

The oppressive, unhelpful, and unproductive political situation we are in offers us a failed binary: The libertarian right seeks to maximize individual autonomous self-actualization by restricting government intervention into people’s lives as much as possible, whereas the Marxist left demands maximal individual autonomous self-actualization by maximizing government intervention into people’s lives. But why not refuse to accept such an unworkable, binary system? Apparently Pope Francis and his goons favor the following alternative: a totalitarian, fascist, monarchical Caesaropapism that prevents self-actualization for as many people as possible precisely by its insistence on intervening where it’s not necessary or helpful (e.g., forbidding the TLM) and by refusing to intervene where necessary (e.g., to actually address the sex abuse crisis).

Make sense to me.


Constantine said...
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Tancred said...

Sorry Constantine, the OP is really thin-skinned. I thought your comment t was good. Long time no see.