Monday, July 22, 2024

Was it staged?



  1. The fact that so many people I respect can't see this is F&G to the highest degree has demoralized me.

  2. I thought that they were interesting.
    What does "F&G" mean?
    And I do not care if you respect me or not.

  3. The synagogue has crowned WWE Hall of Famer, Zion Don, as their Moshiach. They are blatantly playing on Revelations 13:3 with this whole stunt. He will serve his masters and sell out all the fools willing to believe the lies spewing forth from his lips, cheek smeared with a forked tongue. "My hand was covered with blood." No it wasn't, nor was your ear grazed by a bullet.

    'Whatever deceives men seems to produce a magical enchantment.' - Plato

  4. Of course it was staged. They did not secure this rooftop, they knew he was there. They did not give the order to shoot him once they had a bead on him, very little blood, the odd "forked tongue" blood pattern that appears to start at Trump's mouth, and he didn't bother to wipe at, the "shoe" reference, the ludicrous SS detail, the fact that that was the first Trump rally livestreamed by the MSM this year, the shooter's Blackrock connection, the weird way people behind Trump and in the audience reacted, like they knew it was coming. If "Biden" had pulled this, the conservatives would be pointing all this out. But Trump is their messiah idol.

  5. I find it both odd and sad that, with all the hype about Trump's ear getting pinged, there seems to be very little public reference to the unfortunate young family man who died from gunshot wounds at the same rally.

  6. 07/22/2024 8:41pm

    You should read the total filth that liberal websites are saying about that unfortunate man.
    So vile. ( "He deserved it because he was for Trump", "F**k him",) etc., etc..
    It is horror from the depths of Hell.

  7. With that POS rifle with the red dot site, the luck was with the shooter even hitting Trump. How many shots were fired? I doubt he ever aimed at a fireman.

  8. 1:13 Anon, I don’t care if you don’t care about respect. Have a F&G day

  9. > has chance to explain how fake and ghey he is
    > calls someone F&G instead

  10. > has chance to explain how jewish he is
    > projects his faggotry instead

  11. Hahahah! Ghey boy triggered!

  12. Anon, it sounds like you have something to get off your chest. You don’t have to be a little 12 yo closeted homo forever. If you take the necessary steps, you can grow up to be a well tolerated public flamer. It’s 2024 after all. I’ll still despise you, but what do you care about my respect?

  13. Wow, it would have been a lot easier to answer the question someone innocently asked rather than outing yourself as a pedo, anon.

    Being a Christian means giving an account for your faith, and all you’ve done is act like a bitch.

  14. Tancred, that's pretty weak gaslighting. And you're the bitch btw

    1. It’s perfect for a lowlife like you, anon.

    2. Thanks for validating my comment, retard.

    3. Since you won’t publish my last post, here’s a private message for you, Tancred. It’s funny to see how that dipshit Gaybrielle absolutely broke you.

  15. All of you monarchists are missing the similarities, or rather, near mirror image between the iconic photo and Eugene Delacroix’s famous painting, Liberty Leading the People to commemorate the July Revolution of 1830 supplanting the House of Bourbon in France. If anything that the small “r” republicans fear it is a new french monarchy in North America with its capitol in Quebec.

  16. Anon, the traitorous nature of the House of Orleans was well known even by the Jacobins, but thanks for playing.

  17. Replies
    1. U like probing other men, anon? Pretty gay of you. The banter has gone stale but it was fun for a bit. The stars aligned for your moral grandstanding at 2:10. I will treasure the irony, always. Make sure to publish you pussy!

    2. It’s not often you run into a sperg such as yourself, Tancred. It’s been amusing to witness your shitty trolling devolve into temperature checks. Now, be the beneficent cuck you are and hit publish. Wouldn’t want to throw in the towel now, would we?

    3. So you decided to sit on my last two posts? Doesn’t take intelligence much more than you possess for someone to see you won’t publish after provocation. More 12 yo closeted homo behavior. You will always be a cuck for letting me slip one by before settling on censorship. Now you’re stuck on on the receiving end alone. I know your faggot ass is used to such things. I’ll be around, so don’t get snappy with me on future threads unless you’re looking for another reality check, bozo.

  18. You really are a base vulgarian, anon. You were nasty to someone who asked you for a clarification of your comment, and now you’ve really gone off the deep end. I think there’s a problem, anon, but it’s not me.

    Keep swinging, tho.
