Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rotund Centerpiece of Olympics Opening Spectacle Wants to Sue Online Critics

Edit: the DJ’s anger at online backlash at the horrendous spectacle is also using finite French police resources to find who’s responsible for ridiculing this bloated baud. 

The even complains that those attacking her and the Olympics special are “anti-Semitic”. I sure hope so, because the director responsible is a Jewish sodomite who’s adopted what looks like a child as a fashion accessory.

Despite police and government assistance in search of critics of this event, the coda performance has been canceled due to widespread offense over the event. Even Samsung wants out!




  1. Hey Tucker: is that your main woman?

  2. The whole bunch should have a Z-pellet dropped on them.
    So sorry if you were offended by this. Especially jew faggots.

  3. With that cast, they'd have been much better off doing a parody of "Moby Dick." And such Huguenots and Calvinists as remain would have clapped for an encore. No offense taken by anyone.
