Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Right-Wing Parliamentarian Offends Consensus by Using “Racist” Word

Edit: there is no N-Word in Polish. At least he didn’t talk about smoke alarms!

[Official News]  Following Wednesday's debate on youth unemployment, MEPs call on far-right politician Janusz Korwin-Mikke to "apologise and step down" for using the word "nigger".

According to the S&D group, during a debate on youth unemployment, Korwin-Mikke is accused of referring to black people on several occasions as "niggers", stating the "minimum wage should be destroyed as we would be treating 20 million young Europeans like niggers".

Former Italian immigration minister and black MEP Cécile Kyenge Kashetu strongly condemned the Polish MEP's remarks, saying, "What Mr Korwin-Mikke has preached did not only offend those who have a different skin colour, but everyone who is inspired by European values of dignity and equality."



  1. Saint Jerome, in a heated exchange with Saint Augustine, called him 'a black Numidian ant!'
    So there!

  2. A good Saint Jerome will do that!
