Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Father Jenkins has his reservations.

Why do the sedes sound so reasonable when they're not talking about the papacy?


  1. This video was removed from the CathInfo forum by the moderator.

    1. The person who posted this video was banned from the Cath Info forum.

  2. This video was removed from the CathInfo forum by the moderator.

  3. Among other things the Moderator had to say about Rev Jenkins are.....

    "Fr. Jenkins is apparently not a holy priest. Just judging by this video. He seems to have some excessive attachment(s) to various worldly things. He is also lacking in trust in God. Why else would he resort to creating videos to tear down other Traditional bishop(s) trying to help the Faithful during this worst-in-history Crisis in the Church? He is obviously motivated by self-love in some form; whether fame, money, comfort, or some combination. One thing for sure: he's not humbly serving God, impartially doing His holy will.

    Do you see Bp. Zendejas, or even Bp. Williamson engaging in such attacks on brother (fellow Trad) bishops? No, you do not.


    I don't want to hear lies from self-serving, biased sedevacantists against good, holy bishops WHOSE GOOD FRUITS OF THEIR PRIESTHOOD ARE EVIDENT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE.

    I am not going to give these worldly priests a platform to attack the good bishop."

    Woof, Woof

    1. Maybe they are afraid people will think Fr Jenkins is right about Bp Williamson's ordination?

    2. Anon July 24 6:16, I don’t know if you agree with Moderator’s take on Fr. Jenkins, but it seems to me that he doesn’t know what poverty or materialism is.

      I see nothing in the video that indicates worldliness.

      Looks like rash judgement to me.

  4. Am not a member of the SSPV, but I have listened to Father Jenkins for years. He always seems level headed and reasonable when talking about others. His views, of course, are Pre-Vatican II and he rejects everything post.
    I do not know where you picked up that he is attached to worldly things. He looks like he is in his office during the presentations. Nothing scandalous about that.

    1. Anonymous July 24 at 6:16 is quoting the Moderator of CathInfo

    2. He is respectful of others. He doesn’t even say those in the Novis Ordo aren’t Catholic.
      Did you hear about the priest and the rabbi who saw a cute boy on the playground?
      Priest: “So, do ya wanna screw him?”
      Rabbi: “Outa whaat?”

  5. If Fr. Jenkins' story is true all the priests Bp Williamson ordained and all the bishops he consecrated would be doubtful, therefore all the sacraments from them would be doubtful. This could be catastrophic for thousands of people. The person who told Fr. Jenkins this story should identify himself and swear that he is telling the truth with proof that only one hand was used by Archbishop Lefebvre to ordain Fr Williamson. Doubtful sacraments = invalid sacraments.

    1. NEWSFLASH: As of 8/8/24 Fr. Jenkins has not produced any evidence to prove his "story", aka gossip, about a one-handed ordination of Deacon Williamson. There is a live, former SSPX priest, Father Francois Egegyi, who does state that he witnessed the two-handed ordination of Deacon Williamson and Deacon Dolan. Fr. Jenkins owes, at the least, an apology to Bishop Williamson, Fr. Egregyi, and to hundreds of thousands of Catholics who are affected by the insinuation of invalid sacraments from the priests and bishops ordained and consecrated by the Bishop, and from Bp. Williamson himself!

  6. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

    1. You’re definitely not well, anon.

  7. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  8. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  9. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  10. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  11. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  12. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  13. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  14. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  15. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  16. Don’t post on this website unless you want to be gaslighted and censored by Tancred. He LARPs as a trad but is actually a 12 yo homosexual boy.

  17. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  18. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  19. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  20. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  21. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  22. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  23. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  24. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  25. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  26. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. I'm not reading any replys. You get spam from now on. F around and find out.

  27. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  28. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  29. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  30. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  31. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  32. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  33. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  34. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

    1. Anon, tell us how you really feel.

  35. Tancred LARPs as a trad but gaslights and censors like a feminist. He is F&G

  36. URGENT UPDATE: In the Comments under the YouTube Channel, WCB video by Fr. Jenkins, Fr. Francois Egregyi writes,
    @fraancoisegregyi233, 5 hrs ago, (7/26/24), "Yes, you are correct. Both ( Deacons Williamson and Dolan) received both hands on their heads by Archbishop Lefebvre. I know because I was there, having just been ordained subdeacon."
    Fr. Egregyi is the author of a letter dated Nov. 8, 2012, confirming that he witnessed Archbishop Lefebvre use two hands over the heads of the ordinands of the class of June 29, 1976. He was sitting on the front row because he had just been ordained subdeacon in the same ceremony. Fr. Egregyi closed that letter with his oath, "May God be my witness."
