Sunday, July 28, 2024

Excess Mortality---- It's not just from doing dirty jobs...


Tom said...

Will they ever wake up?

Anonymous said...

Wow Tom. Thanks for that Tweet. What a bunch of knuckleheads

Tancred said...

Tom’s link has been removed on Twitter for some reason.

Tacred's Troll said...

The whole Twitter account is gone!

Tancred said...

Max said...

Good stuff there , Tancred

Jehan Lee said...

Hey Tucker:
How many boosters have you and your buddy Mark Shea (who pays you to write this cr@p to give him straw-men) taken? C’mon now, tell the truth and shame the Devil 👿

Anonymous said...


Are you some sorta a$$ clown?

Anonymous said...

Shea hasn’t responded to the blog directly in years.