Thursday, June 13, 2024

E M Jones Takes on Lifesite

Edit: the following was taken from FB. It may or may not be still up!

Nothing epitomizes the flagrant pandering and intellectual cowardice which characterizes Life Site News better than the advertisement for their upcoming conference. “The theme of the conference,” we are told, will be “Recovering from Boomer ‘Catholicism.’” The quotes around Catholicism mean that Life Site News now gets to determine who is a Catholic in good standing. Helping them to excommunicate an entire generation from the Catholic Church is none other than Bishop Joseph Strickland, who got kicked out the diocese of Tyler, Texas after he became part of a real estate scam that involved bringing in Michael Voris, another super-Catholic who got caught in his second homosexual scandal, as his communications director. Before it got involved in determining which Catholics are in good standing with the Church, Life Site News used to promote the “Judeo-Christian” position on abortion, until Roe v. Wade was overturned, and 400 Jewish organizations announced that abortion was a fundamental Jewish value. Unable to articulate the “Judeo-Christian” position on abortion, John Henry Weston(sic) decided to reinvent himself as a liturgist. Because a Jew rescued Life Site News from the Canadian thought police, Weston(sic) and co. could not identify the main enemy in the battle against abortion. Because John Henry Weston(sic) and Bishop Strickland could not identify the real enemy, they had to create straw men like “Boomer Catholics” to keep the gullible on the reservation which prohibits Catholics from criticizing Jews. Life Site News is proof that Eric Hofer(sic) was right when he said that “every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” (



Anonymous said...

"Lifesite has gone sede with Bishop Dopey the Great to lead them.

I did not know that some jew had infiltrated them, flashing cash. It's becoming clear why they censor unflattering comments about the yids.

T said...

I would add that Ireland legalized divorce in 1997. After that it very quickly caught up with the rest of the west in allowing porn (Playboy permitted the following year), sodomy, and abortion. Watching TV I found it queer that so many of the advocates had neither Irish names nor brogues. In fact, while Ireland has witnessed a huge influx from the 3rd world, there are less than a thousand Elder Brothers who are citizens of the Republic

Anonymous said...

Their parasitic nature is their M.O. .
If they cannot fit easily into a population by looks, they exploit the countries by making money from that country's resources. (See Africa)
This is the way that they continue to exert control.

It has been the conglomeration of members of the Caucasian race in the U.S. that has allowed them to insinuate into that culture.

Debbie Dallas said...

Are they just to ascared to call Jones an anti-Semite for fear he’ll sue?

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You and Voris must be dating. Thanks for nothing, you fraud.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Voris likes boys