Monday, May 20, 2024

The One Loser Who Should Have Stayed in the Legionaries of Christ

Edit: I just saw Holy Steve posting about how he resembles these movie stars on X. Late vintage, XXXL Orson Welles was the most accurate, so I innocently posted the pudgy tranny under his post, Sam Harris, and he flipped out! 

Sam Harris does kind of resemble him, after all! What do you think?

If you live in Phoenix or wherever Steve operates as a Grubhub driver, be sure to give him a big tip, and encourage him on his future in show business. At least now he’s not scamming people while larping as a Traditionalist Catholic!



  1. Tanc,

    That is hysterical. Nothing could have triggered psycho-boy more than that.
    I am not on "X" so I don't follow anyone but please keep posting his reactions.
    Great comic relief.

  2. He always struck me as a little gay. But, honestly, I often conflate such sexual disorientation with effeminacy, which isn't fair nor accurate.

  3. I’m super busy, and I work longer hours and make more money than Skojec, unless somehow, he’s still getting money from 1P5 or other sources of income. Skojec claims he works 12-14 hours a day sometimes. I wouldn’t recommend driving more than 12 hours a day, unless Steve, as is his habit, is wildly exaggerating how much he works in a day, but after 12 hours I’d driving, you might as well be drunk. It’s a hard life. I’m guessing he puts on some more pounds and gets in a car accident, or posts some weepy post about being deactivated after beating up a customer. Lel

    Still, we must pray for our enemies. Steve was always an enemy of tradition, especially when he was squeezing paypiggies for 90% of the take in his “apostolate” or whatever he called what he was doing. Holy Steve was always eager to attack Catholics on the side of whatever issue the left had everyone commenting. It was something he probably learned first at Stupidville, and then in the Molester Legion (They’re deeply anti-traditional, despite the Gemelli cassocks). He was even throwing shade on Butker’s witness at Benedictine College. He’s such a fat piece of slime.


  4. I guess according to Skojec’s Protestant prosperity gospel, which allowed him to be such a smug prick while he posted pics of his alcohol abuse and drops names about important people he knows, while breathlessly explaining to people how this or that papal pronouncement affected him so deeply, he was better than others because of his income, which he never disclosed, but only hinted about.

    I told Steve I was going to rejoice and laugh when he hit the earth after all the lecturing he gave others, scolding people for not living up to his own high expectations, but then…hitting the ground like Icarus is too good for people like Steve.

    I hate people who inform on their neighbors. Skojec is the kind of tattle tale who’d inform on his neighbors for hoarding food during the Holodomor, so he could inherit their field. He was always accusing people of being bad according to his globohomo ethics, and working endless hours at grubhub, or some other entry level job, hasn’t really humbled him at all. He’s still the same insufferable narcissist who’s an expert in everything and knows what’s wrong with everybody. So, yes, I’ll be hate-watching his Twitter and mining it for more of these gems of his vanity and pettiness.

  5. Goy Soyjack was turning his neighbours in for not masking and he went all Mark Shea on the jab. I laughed my arse off each time he came down with Kung-flu. Maybe he got it from strabismic chinese wife or mother-in-law?

    I actually think he said he drives for Über-Eats.

  6. I get amused by people like him who post every belch and fart on the Internet and then get all offended when some people react.

  7. Did Skojek ever address the JQ on either side of his “Faith Journey”? If, no the reasons could be revealing.

  8. People would appear in his comment section to address it, but I don’t think he ever did. I expect it was too hot for Holy Steve to handle, or too close to home…

  9. Is he a Jew?
    Wouldn’t have to be. The LC are very careful not to pi$$ off The Chosen People.

  10. Skojec is a J surname sin Czech.

  11. He must be a yid.
    He whines like one.
