Thursday, May 16, 2024

Gumley & Tucker on the Ontological Warfare Against the Church & Civilization


Peter Gumley and Will Tucker join Our Interesting Times to discuss organized Jewry’s ontological warfare against the Church and Christian Civilization, and the failure of traditional Catholics to confront this threat and identify their enemies. 

Peter is an independent researcher and the host of Vendée Radio. Will is the co-host of the Dr. Deep State program on YouTube. 


  1. Tim Kelly, Peter Gumley, and Will Tucker are all brilliant. Gumley coins "Post-Holocaust Dispensation" in this episode.

  2. Thank you "flower". Excellent post. Will Tucker, Peter, "and Tim are right on. Keep up the research Will and keep connecting the dots ("thousand points of light" B.S.).

  3. Thank you "flower". Excellent post. Will Tucker, Peter, "and Tim are right on. Keep up the research Will and keep connecting the dots ("thousand points of light" B.S.).
