Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Francis Calls Aberrosexuals Mean Name

Edit: this reminds me of my girlfriend’s stepfather who was a Communist Party member. He had done everything, he was a cowboy, trucker, logger, miner and roughneck.  He would look across the table at her gay uncle with barely concealed distaste. I wonder if it was a Party thing or a normal response, anyway, not only God, but Communists hate frociggini too!

Unfortunately, he apologized, or at least his press office did. Can this be a positive sign? Is his tolerance and encouragement for faggotry at an end?



  1. I don't think his tolerance is coming to an end. Gays can be notoriously mean and hostile to each other. All the dysfunctions that exist in a normal society are magnified in a gay environment. Roman's 1:18-32 tells us what their society is really like.

  2. If anyone thinks that this is "new leaf" then you are not paying attention.
    He will be hugging and kissing some queers underneath Bernini's Columns next week.

  3. A Jebbie on X is crying that Francis still has a lot to learn.


  4. It’s interesting in light of this that there hasn’t been a lot of crazed GLBT supporters and regarded movie stars with weird hair, clutching their pearls about this like when they raved incoherently and had ghey tizzies when Sportsball hero, Butker, waxed poetic about motherhood at an expensive “Catholic” girls school run by fake Benedictines calling themselves nuns.
