Monday, April 29, 2024

Church Militant 2.0 or The Pink Sheepdog?

 A dozen years ago people were crushed when they learned that the TV priest  and thunderhead Fr. John Corapi was a fraud.  They thought he was the ultimate prodigal son who had gone from fast cars, hookers, and coke to being ordained by John Paul the Great.  He was an invincible man who had parachuted into swamps and fought alligators with his bare hands.  He loved to ride motorcycles and bow hunt for grizzlies.  Along the way, he would tickle your ears with stories of corruption in the Church and the lack of masculinity in the clergy.  Predictably, he held that the Elder Brothers maintained their own covenant with God.  It would come to light that fast women and easy money never lost their grip on him and so, he left the priesthood.  Unable to step away from the limelight, he attempted to re-cast himself as The Black Sheepdog.  He would no longer be content to restrict himself to Catholic audiences.   He was broadening his scope to take on the pressing political issues of the day.    The enterprise quickly became a flop.

It would take two outings of Gary Michael Voris to make him go away.  One six years ago, the last six months ago.  And, like Corapi, they both have their stalwart defenders.  Financial malfeasance and the lure of sodomy and slander would be the cause of this second fall.   But, rather than sign up for one of Milo's conversion therapy courses, he headed down to Houston and started up a new apostolate.  Again, this endeavor doesn't confine itself to his co-religionists.   E.g: he speaks freely about "christians" when in the past, he only spoke of Catholics.  The website is much more politically oriented than Church Militant was.

Voris' extracurricular dalliances were not a secret to many.  He was reported to have been seen leaving gay bars and even going to Mass with his old "husband."  But, it took topless photos sent around the studio for the staff to say:  Basta!   Was he flirting with the young men who joined his Pause Program after he was outed for first time?  Or, was he trying to privately impress Bishop Barron while publicly castigating him for not being manly enough?

The parallels between in Corapi and Voris are too numerous for a single blog post.  In the waning days of their popularity, each would transform their appearance for the camera.  For Corapi, this meant shaving his head and dying his beard like Anton LaVey.  For Voris, there was always a new color toupee. 

Watch out for those commie bastards!


  1. Seems that old snaggle-tooth is the only one who is getting the goods on on old c**k-gobbler Voris.
    Glad that someone is.
    May his new enterprise fail spectacularly.

    1. Please refrain from that kinda language. This is a family blog.

  2. M.V. and his criminal organization are like the Mafia.
    Just when you think that you've gotten rid of them, they pop back up somewhere else.

  3. Just like Ray Burke, Vigano, Mueller, Strickland & fellow knuckle draggers/

    1. Oh Murphy, or Gaybrielle, or whatever your name is, just f... off to whatever gay bar you frequent and/or get a life and a job.

  4. Just like VD, won’t go away

  5. Replies
    1. It was probably his bishop bashing but the Apologetics Industry was smart to steer clear of Voris. They’ve been burnt by celebrity converts and clergy. Here’s a short list I came up with

      Fr. Ken: kiddie fiddling
      Gerry Mattatics: sede
      Mark Sashay: gay politics
      the Life is a Crock priest: left to have a kid with his lesbo secretary and sell energy drinks with Deepak Chopra
      Taylor Marshall: starting video blogging with Thug Gordon and cut & pasted a few books together.
      Gloria Purvis: BLM ✊🏿
      Corapi: see above 👆
      Roy Shoeman: peddling his own apparitions and Zionist weirdness

    2. I wonder if Michael has a sodomy clock like Milo.

    3. The sheepdog looks lavender

    4. What about the biggest fraud of all, Bergoglio, and the last century or so of the ecclesiastical pretenders like George Tyrell, Pius Parsch, the faculty of Tübingen University etc…

  6. Curiously , Voris’s biography fails to mention any of this.

    Your Roman church is overflowing with queers and pedos.

    1. What are you? GHF 743? Baptist? Baptists are overflowing with fags and commies. It’s the most cucked religion ever, almost as cucked as Mormons.

  7. The American novus ordo church the grift that keeps grifting.

  8. Take this post down or it will be reported to Wordpress for violation of their terms of service. This is your final warning.

  9. 4/30 @ 10:03

    Oh, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't report this to Wordpress!

    BWAAAAAAAAAAAA! You are pathetic.

  10. April 30 11:57am

    Hi Michael. How's Houston?
    Getting any action in Montrose?

  11. My Gaydar went off the first time I saw this fairy twirl his pencil. ✏️

  12. Montrose (not Colorado) is like the Ferndale of Houston. Gary the Fairy will feel right at home.

  13. Max:

    I’m really scared.

  14. I got more out of watching Bob Ross paint than any Vortex I saw.

  15. I like happy trees....

  16. Perhaps Gary, Corapi, Thug and some others are an (((Opus Dei))) op to stifle all criticism of the pathetic Roman Hierarchy, and conversely, any support for decent or well-intentioned shepherds and practitioners of real priest craft?

  17. OOooooohh, the 1570 Backwardists are sure stirred up on this little witch hunt. Do they smell the flesh of a burning heretic?

  18. Gaybrielle’s co-religionists we’re murdering people with money since 1517.

  19. Me thinks the writers at EF have a crush on Voris and don’t like Milo making a move.

  20. Who’s that beeeatch?

  21. Tucker kicked an own goal which is the normal practice.

  22. Nemo 11:04 PM has an anger management problem.

    Get help.

  23. All queers have anger management problems.
    It all goes back to bitterness over Mother telling them to stop using her makeup.

  24. "All queers have anger management problems.
    It all goes back to bitterness over Mother telling them to stop using her makeup.:

    Thank you for your honesty in sharing your own personal life experience in the closet, Nemo 1:19 AM.

  25. Why can’t you just stick to writing about the Jews?

    1. Jews, fans, same difference

  26. Gaybrielle loves these repetitive annd tedious affirmations of his love for sodomy.

  27. That’s a little narrow calling Gaybrielle a sodomite. He’s more of a trisexual (try anything)

  28. Tucker and Barney are sore losers. By default, they project their inversion and self-loathing on to others. It's the classic bully boy in the sand pit response to personal inadequacy.

  29. Gaybrielle can’t admit he’s wrong about anything, and when cornered like a plague rat, he pretends to know secret wisdom or pretends he only understands rat.

    Down Gaybrielle!

  30. " Anonymous said...
    Gaybrielle can’t admit he’s wrong about anything, and when cornered like a plague rat, he pretends to know secret wisdom or pretends he only understands rat.

    Down Gaybrielle!"

    Further evidence that conceptual incoherence and inherited gibberish is endemic to the diseased Yokel mind.

    Start with a comic book, Nemo3:22 PM.

  31. Buggery is rampant in Yorkshire

    1. Is that how the pudding is made?

  32. Milktoast CatholicMay 4, 2024 at 7:02 AM

    How’s come Voris didn’t give himself top billing at Pink Sheepdog?

  33. Who’s the top and who’s the bottom?

  34. I heard Voris and Corapi got married.
    (Not to each other )

  35. Voris was married to the man who gave him AIDS.
    Corapi has returned to his cloister and is in a wheelchair. He has promised his superior to never make any more public appearances.

  36. Voris outed Cardinal O’Brien of Baltimore. Did anything ever come of that?

  37. What is your source?
    Is your name really Richard Pritchard?

  38. Michael Voris is NOT gay!

  39. Lucas MacFarlaneMay 6, 2024 at 7:31 AM

    I can’t find Voris’es new sight

  40. Try "God and Country Blog"

  41. What business of any of your’s is it who he loves?

  42. Both of these men need our prayers.

  43. Is this even relevant?

  44. Christine Niles is ripping of this site again.
    I guess she gave up on marrying Voris.

  45. Wingate is a bigger charlatan than Corapi!

  46. Specifically, what items has Niles ripped off?

  47. Ms. Niles leaks the dirt to EF and then rips it off.

  48. You just need to focus on Jesus.

  49. Okay. Don’t let sleeping dog lie. Kick them in the head.

  50. That video is so much like the Black Sheep Dog

  51. May 8, @5:28PM

    Exactly what did she learn from EF, that she could have gotten from 10 other Internet sources?
