The renewed C9 Council of Cardinals discusses “upgrading the role of women in the Church”. Also present is Cardinal Lacroix (Encircled), who is being investigated in Canada for homosexual abuse. In the background the three speakers: (from left) Giuliva Di Berardino, Sr. Linda Pocher and the Anglican bishop Jo Bailey Wells.
(Rome) The Council of Cardinals C9, which advises Pope Francis on the leadership of the universal Church, is currently meeting in Rome. It is already the second meeting of the Council of Cardinals with the topic: enhancing the “role of women in the Church”. The rumor has been going around for months that everything is being prepared to introduce a female diaconate.
If you follow these rumors, everything should be ready. After three study commissions on the subject , the Vatican knows that there has never been a female deacon in the history of the Church, but this does not seem to be seen as an obstacle in Santa Marta. The spirit of the times demands greater consideration of women, which is why this should be met. The version is being worked on as to how the step could be placed as gently as possible and dressed in an argumentative manner. People around him say that Francis is always looking for “new paths”. He is “open” and waiting for brilliant ideas.
Last November 30, Francis announced in the audience for the members of the International Theological Commission, after previously praising the conservative German theologian Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz: “And now, in the next meeting of the nine cardinals, we will have a reflection on the female dimension of the Church”. The combination of pacification and previewing corresponds to the Bergoglian strategy. The difficulty of the comment lies on the second part of the statement.
The current meeting of the C9 Cardinals Council lasts only two days and ends today. Contributions are planned these days from three women, including Anglican Bishop Jo Bailey Wells. Joanne Wells was ordained a deacon in 1995, a priest in 1996 and a bishop in the Church of England in 2016. The Catholic Church does not recognize these orders. Jo Wells is married, her husband is also an Anglican pastor, and the mother of two children. Wells used to be one of the conservative voices against the gay agenda. Since she became bishop, however, she has remained silent on the subject.
The constant presence of Pope Francis is announced for both days of the meeting. In the first few years, the Council of Cardinals met for three days each, although Francis was unable to attend on Wednesday morning because of the general audience. Last year, the meeting periods were shortened to two days to allow Francis to be present permanently.

Other speakers include the Salesian nun Linda Pocher FMA, a daughter of Mary, helper of Christians . She teaches Mariology and Christology at the Auxilium, the Pontifical Faculty of Education in Rome. Pocher, who comes from Friuli, earned a doctorate in dogmatics at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 2020. She already took part in the meeting of the Council of Cardinals last 5/6, December. Her special concern is “to listen to the female aspect of the church”.
Also present is Giuliva Di Berardino, a consecrated woman of the Ordo Virginum of the Diocese of Verona, who is presented as an expert in Jewish, biblical and liturgical dance and a theologian. Di Berardino, who was born in the Staufer town of L'Aquila, earned a doctorate in liturgy at the Bugnin Pastoral-Liturgical Institute in Padua.
In the context of the “women’s question” being discussed in the Vatican, Francis’ call, always in his address to the members of the International Theological Commission on November, to “de-masculine” the Church should also be seen.
The Council of Cardinals, which has shrunk since 2017, was increased again to nine members by Francis on March 7, 2023, without retaining the original geographical scheme, according to which seven cardinals each represented a continent. Today it includes the following cardinals: Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State; Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City and the Governorate of the Vatican City State; Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, Archbishop of Kinshasa (Congo); Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay (India); Seán Patrick O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston (USA); Juan José Omella Omella, Archbishop of Barcelona (Spain); Gérald Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec (Canada); Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg (Luxembourg); Sérgio da Rocha, Archbishop of San Salvador de Bahia (Brazil). The secretary is Msgr. Marco Mellino, titular bishop of Cresima.
Cardinal Lacroix has recently been confronted with allegations of homosexual abuse. He denies the allegations and is presumed innocent. Since an investigation was started against him in accordance with the new canon law regulations, he announced that he would suspend his archiepiscopal rights in his diocese until the matter was clarified. However, he does take part in the meeting of the Council of Cardinals in Rome (see picture).
[Creepy and illicit liturgical dancing follows in video. It's Turgidical Liturgical Dance! Wont' this alienate baptists and orthobros??? Will the pastor reconsecrate the sanctuary after this sacrilege? Don't try this at home. It takes advanced degrees from the Gregorian to dance authoritatively like this!]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: MiL
Trans: Tancred
So pleased to see the word "tugidical" used.
It isn't used enough.
Makes me all tingly down my leg.
"Makes me all tingly down my leg."
Then stop playing with yourself, Nemo Wanker.
Don’t tell him what to do, Gaybrielle.
I’m something of a Turgidical Dance enjoyer myself.
I think that the Virgin Mary is the perfect model for all Catholic women, as virgin and mother, but not as a priest. Sacramental priesthood is not and never can be a woman's role. Having said that, no human is as highly valued or esteemed by The Blessed Trinity than the Blessed Virgin Mary. Also, no human is as feared by the demons. According to the American exorcist Fr Ripperger, when the Virgin Mary attends an exorcism, the demons 'bug out' because they can't bear the holiness and great humility of the Mother of God.
Protestant pastor tells congregation: Catholics are Right!
"Protestant pastor tells congregation: Catholics are Right!"
Which Catholics is the fellow talking about? Does he name them?
And what are they right about?
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