Thursday, January 11, 2024

Yay Diversity!

We've exposed Scott Kirby here at EF in the past 

He had zero tolerance for those who disagreed with him on the baby-juice injection.


  1. Nothing new here other than the fact that the mainstream media are picking up of the story. Back in the eighties it was said that UNITED was an acronym for Unqualified Ni663r5 In Training, Expect Delays.

    This poem dates from that period.

    I have 500 hours and big knobby boobs
    I fly a seven four seven with cathode ray tubes

    I may not know what I am doing or why
    But I fly for United in the minority sky

    We are the pride of the United fleet
    With Debbie, Tyrone, and Abdul Raheet

    In UAL ground school I flunked my exam
    But it didn't matter since I have a beard clam

    Departed from Denver one hot afternoon
    My Boeing jet engine quit just 10 knots too soon

    From the left to the right we started to swerve
    But with my very low time I lost my nerve

    She started to rock and She started to roll
    And I knew real soon we'd be a fiery hole

    Then my Captain took over and stopped that big hog
    He is a great pilot, he was a freight dawg!

  2. Tucker is highly skilled in not letting Truth get between him and a truck load of non-sequiturs.

  3. Who’s Tucker? Does Gaybrielle know ?

  4. I think all of the major airlines have lower requirements for minorities. It's nothing new.

  5. "I think all of the major airlines have lower requirements for minorities. It's nothing new."

    Thanks for your thoughts, Megan. Do you have any hard evidence to support your personal opinion?

    1. It's called affirmative action. Never heard of that?

  6. WM:

    When Career Pilot used to publish the stats for each new hire class, women, on average had 1/3 the flight time of their male peers and no where near the quality. E.g: a female of any background is competitive with 1,500 hours and an ATP written. A civilian white male will typically have 4,000-5,000 hours before he starts to get interviews and that time, until very recently, always includes at least a thousand hours of turbine (turbo-prop or turbojet) as pilot in command (you're in the field for several years before you start getting this experience)

    The ladies like those in the photo are followed by recruiters before they even get their commercial licenses and United's Aviate Academy takes applicants with ZERO experience--- but it's only for minorities.

    Hope that helps.

    Bill Taylor
    SF340,ATR-42, EMB-170, CE500,LRJT, B737, A320 B757/767

  7. Apparently Tucker doesn't respond well to anyone calling out the irresponsible nonsense he pumps out so it's no surprise he does the cowardly delete thing when I raised questions about the credibility of Nemo 4:06 PM's information.
    Grow up Tucker. Post reasonable stuff and people will respond in kind.

    1. WM, your dumb comments are still there. They just got shot down by someone in the business.

      👩‍💼 Now, can we all get back to the gay blessing issues and Voris.

  8. "Now, can we all get back to the gay blessing issues and Voris."

    Sure, Nemo 8:09 PM but you're on the wrong post. Too much Eggnog and football, eh?

    Best try somewhere else.

    1. These days, it’s quite common for a flight attendant to get a pilot pregnant 🫃

  9. "These days, it’s quite common for a flight attendant to get a pilot pregnant 🫃"

    How would you know this, Conrad? The checkout magazines?

  10. Talk about non-sequitors, Gaybrielle comes back in to bother the post with his own!


  11. Why doe’s Faybrielle always try to disrupt the forum with irrelevant objections to things which are easily substantiated?

  12. The cat doesn’t speak EnglishDecember 27, 2023 at 1:16 AM

    Gabriel might be rich enough to fly private where there’s so little diversity, it has coloured his opinion

  13. Women are grossly underrepresented among sewage workers, in sanitation, and people who clean windows on skyscrapers.
    Gaybrielle, why don’t you do something about this?

  14. It’s really discouraging that I don’t see more wahmen doing that portapodddy job.

    Do better people! What is honestly wrong with our society that more women can’t be portapoddy minders!!


    1. This would be a suitable job for the wahman president of Harvard, Ms. Gay, I believe she/they/them/ will be job hunting soon.



  17. This past summer, I was boarding a flight in CLT and the co-pilot smiled at me and said welcome aboard. The whole flight I'm wondering "where do I know that guy from?" I thought about it for most of the flight but concluded two things before I disembarked: 1) in your seventh decade, you're going to run into a lot of doppelgängers, it's not senility it's just that you meet more people as life goes on and the odds improve. 2) no matter how much you think it's beneath you to think it, as an outsider, they all look the same.
    Two weeks ago, the same thing happens with the same co-pilot. I've got to get to the bottom of this! So, I get off last and introduced myself and explained the situation. Well turns out, a mere two years ago, he was a men's room attendant handing out mints in the restroom and he remembered that I always put bills in the tip jar!

  18. Well, Keith, this is an outstanding example of what you Americans mean when you speak of people realizing the American dream. None so 'deserving as the undeserving' said Liza's dad, Alf.

    1. True enough but would you also concede that there are others who have been at it a lot longer and are told they don’t have enough experience for their demographic?

  19. True enough but would you also concede that there are others who have been at it a lot longer and are told they don’t have enough experience for their demographic?

    I don't know how one would go about measuring that or accessing the kind of data necessary to do that, Keith.

    Can you suggest some objectively credible sources?

    1. Well, one measure is flight time. Another is ratings.

      Compare what it takes for each demographic to be competitive.

  20. I am presuming that by 'demographic' you are referring to socio-economic factors including race, education, culture etc. Is that correct?

  21. @Peter O'Malley

    **Insert open mouthed and sarcastic Cage Meme

    NO, REALY?

  22. Keith has either gone MIA or is no longer extant.

  23. Probably understands, quite rightly, that talking to the morally and mentally dead is pointless?

  24. "Probably understands, quite rightly, that talking to the morally and mentally dead is pointless?"

    Keith returns in the guise of the stereotypical confused, pouting, resentful teenager.

    Have a lollipop and cheer up a bit, Keith.

  25. Keith,

    Was that men's room attendant pushing absurd theological theories while you were in flight? That was Gaybriel!

  26. The Seventh Cavalry arrived too late.

  27. Gaybrielle is always on time when the twinks are on the prowl!

  28. Ban Gaybrielle. He’ll be happier in the Washington Post combox


  30. Gaybrielle, if you’re really bored, you don’t need to tell everyone. We know you’re an incurious and self-satisfied arsehole.

  31. Wth. ANYONE who dares to opine that anything is the former USA is half as good as it was under the good old white male patriarchy is a brainwashed fool, or, more likely, a gaslighting troll. Yes! Yes! Let's listen to the commie homotroll who tells us to not believe our own eyes, ears, or think, cuz "Tucker!" Nemo!" (insert lame ad hominem/insult here). 50 yrs ago my white husband could not get a job as a garbageman because he wasn't black, and they had to hire black instead of white. Finally got a machinist gig because they couldn't find qualified black machinists. The difference is now they don't have to be even qualified, and credentials are just being handed to them/faked/plagiarized. I worked in healthcare, where we were forced to attend "diversity training" while the blacks sitting around me in the auditorium brought pillows and blankets and slept (later bragging they could do whatever they wanted because they were black)...while the CEO was lecturing. Later realized THAT was the point of it all, letting white employees know competence no longer mattered (and was to be rewarded with overwork), it was all about getting whitey used to the new caste system/unfairness/social engineering being enforced by corporate employers. It's called kakistocracy, we are managed by installed inferiors.

  32. OOOoooohh, Nemo 11:28 A< sure doesn't like Darkies.

  33. Like clockwork:"Tucker!" Nemo!" (insert lame ad hominem/insult here), in this case "Racist!". But I get it. It's all you've got. Sad and pathetic.

  34. Gays crave attention, especially when the only attention they really deserve is from law enforcement.

  35. "Gays crave attention, especially when the only attention they really deserve is from law enforcement."

    Thanks for the personal testimony, Champ!

  36. Here comes Gaybrielle with the projection again!
