Friday, December 1, 2023

Lesser Thug Gordon About to Spill the Beans

Edit: he’s complaining about the board, but he’s about to reveal things related to Voris. Hes echoing E. Michael Jones a bit. How dare you question the bishops, he cries! 



  1. Popcorn is ready.
    He's a mean little s**t.
    We'll see if he takes the gloves off.

  2. What a disordered little cosmos.

  3. Where's his channel?

    If I didn't speak English, I could look at that dude and conclude he ain't normal.

  4. I think he has a lazy eye

  5. Looks like he chickened out

  6. It's happening right now.

  7. 6:47pm:

    He might have a lazy eye, but he does not have a lazy mouth.
    He is spilling a bunch of stuff, right now.

  8. Mini-Thug’s expose.

  9. The video has already been deleted.

  10. C.M. must have gotten to him about violating the NDA that he signed.

  11. I don’t think I need to see this. I just spent 4hrs on the Parrot videos. I don’t think there is anything left to say.

  12. I only watched 20 minutes of the Gordon premiere video.
    It is EXPLOSIVE.
    He knows the goods on everyone there.

  13. Is he Ashkenazi? He looks it.

  14. "Is he Ashkenazi? He looks it."

    No, he's a Kansas farm boy who spent a lot of time in Vermont.

    1. The Gordon's have jewish ancestry. See this video:

  15. Looks like a greaser to me.

  16. Not a very noble response. It comes accross as a groveling sycophant.

  17. There are no friends in hell. That’s the moral of this whole sick and depraved soap opera. Voris, Niles and on down the totem pole, the despicable Gordon Brothers, collaborated together, lying and slandering priests, religious and laity. They tried and to an extent succeeded in destroying innocent lives and finances. Now that their godfather has fallen, the others have turned on him just like the French revolutionaries did when they ran out of aristocrats to behead and needed fellow revolutionaries to satisfy their bloodlust. Michael Voris: you’re lower than whale excrement after what you did to the SSPX and the Carmelites. Go away forever and spend the rest of your days in penance like Magdalene. Don’t even think about a comeback, Niles: you are a feminist word that rhymes with itch. Go away forever and draw yourself to the Blessed Mother, asking her to show you humility. Dave Gordon: you’ll get no money from me. You got into bed with poisonous snakes and (shock!) they bit you. Go away forever, get a job out of the spotlight and focus on humility, prayer and penance. And for everyone reading this, let this be a prime example why lay people have NO BUSINESS trying to make a living off the Church. Ignore false ministries like “church militant” and donate directly to the Church. For starters, I suggest the SSPX and the Carmelites.

  18. ".....donate directly to the Church. For starters, I suggest the SSPX and the Carmelites."
    The ecclesiastical fatso and grifter, Zuhlsdorf would say rather, 'stuff that lot and send your dime my way.'

  19. An acquaintance sent a donation to the new SSPX church in St. Mary's, Kansas.
    They sent it back and said that they did not need the money.
    Can they be a real church?

  20. Marcel Lefebvre was most probably a freemason and acted as controlled opposition.

    According to Henry Landau's books All's Fair, and Secrets of the White Lady, Marcel's father worked as spy master for British Intelligence during WWI. Vernon Kell, it's founder and a known mason would have selected freemasons to run the spy rings since freemasons make a special oath to come to the defense of brother masons thus making them especially reliable.

    His father also owned a textile company in Tourcoing (near Lille in northern France), and was likely close to the Lienart family who were textile merchants from the same region. Cardinal Lienart, who was according to the Marquis de la Franquerie (see his book l'Infaillabilité Pontificale) a 30 degree freemason, and ordained him a priest and consecrated him a bishop.

    Cardinal Lienart, together with Cardinal Joseph Lefebvre a progressive and Archbishop Lefebvre's cousin would later go on to onto demand the rewriting of the schemas at Vatican II.

    A few years after Vatican II, Archbishop Lefebvre started the seminary in Switzerland. He never shared his motivations with fellow members of his religious Congregation (Holy Ghost Fathers) with whom he had spent 27 years and not a single member of that Congregation joined him in his course of opposition. This is highly unusually, since in religious life, a religious has so many friendships and personal relations with his confreres that it is neigh impossible to hide one’s intentions or feelings. Furthemore the official biography of Marcel Lefebvre published by Holy Ghost Father's, says that "his personal, intellectual and ecclesial journey that took him to the point of separation from the Church, will always be a mystery for us." 

    Cardinal Siri who died a year after Archbishop Lefebvre opposed his arguments for appointing priests and bishops. He said that if the Pope was in schism Archbishop Lefebvre could appoint bishops and priests in other diocese but should not have authority over them. This is what St Athanasius did. Instead Archbishop Lefebvre wanted to maintain control of the organization he was building.

    The SSPX, Archbishop Lefebvre's organization, set themselves apart from other Traditional groups in the church and refuse to collaborate with them. They try and convince attendees to their chapels, that when their mass is not available to sanctify the sabbath by watching an online TLM or reading the missal, thus isolating them further. They question the sacrificial aspect of the Novus Ordo, and even suggest that it is a sin to attend. Alot more could be said, but those +700 ordained priests could do alot of good of they played an active part in the life of the church.

    Finally, Archbishop Lefebvre, through Cardinal Lienart is of the episcopal lineage of Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro, the famous episcopal mason, and member of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) and godfather of the Saint Gallen Mafia.
