Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Little Thug Speaks


  1. What are "false" pretenses as opposed to pretenses?

  2. How long did you know that Voris was/is a fudgepacker and why are you only coming out now?
    Were you blackmailed?
    Did Voris ever proposition you?
    Does Nazi Niles go both ways?

  3. "Did Voris ever proposition you?
    Does Nazi Niles go both ways?"

    Do ducks quack? Do bears do dodoos in the words? Did Bonker T win the last election? Does the sun come up in the morning?

    Big questions, all.

  4. Will Thug Sr. clean the egg off of his face?

    He was all about kissing Voris's much used a** a few days ago.

  5. They all knew that Voris was a homo. Voris said as much when he claimed that he was going to be blackmailed, a few years ago.
    He claimed that he was a "chaste" homo.

    According to this, he wasn't.

    These employees need to move on and find other employment.

    Not necessarily their fault, but they are fruit of the poisoned tree.

  6. Could the "young man" that was exposed to gay porn by Voris sue for sexual harassment in the workplace?
    He might have a case. And get some cash out of the freak.

    Hunter, James, Joe: Are you listening? Do not be embarrassed. You did absolutely nothing wrong.

  7. Hell! Sue the whole organization into oblivion.
    They all knew what the guy was doing and had been for years.
    They deceived the donors and employees the whole time.
    Can you say "FRAUD" ?

  8. Who’s that guy in the opening frame?

  9. Is that guy in the picture Voris' "husband"? The dude who gave him AIDS that he still hung out with?

    I don't care where you come down on the material that came out of the Ferndale Studios, this is shaping up to be one of the biggest religious con jobs since Jimmy Swaggart and the Legionaries of Christ.

  10. It’ll never match the failure of one of the biggest Jewish boondoggles of all time, the Soviet Union.

    1. I see your point. But, most serious Catholics were not fooled by the CCCP. Voris case is unique. Of all the suspicions you could have, this wasn’t one many of his enemies had. The question remains, how did he stay undercover when he was under so many covers?

  11. Name me a scandal that a jew didn't figure into the stew.
    At C.M. it was Milo.

    1. When that flamer showed up and they posted a photo of him arriving in pink shorts and penny loafers 👞, I knew to suspect something strange was gonna happen. Ironically, l thought Voris’ turnaround had been more sincere.

    2. Did he have an affair with Milo?

  12. Voris was so controversial for so long that a lot of Catholics were skeptical.

    In fact, I was often odd man out defending him. A lot of his “outreach” was contrived, btw, to target traditionalists, Feeneyites and the like. I don’t think that was without design.

  13. "Let all of the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out".

    (I Claudius)

  14. Thank you for sharing with us all the problems you are having with your indoor plumbing.
    Hope it is fixed before Christmas.

  15. (And felt it)
    Hopefully, not literally.

  16. If the J-Word has a hand in this, it’s Opus which is one of the most Jewish things in the Catholic Church rn.

  17. Mio isn't his type.
    He goes for the dumb, young ones that he can bully around.
    Voris is not black enough for Milo.
