Friday, December 1, 2023

Running Down the clowns at Church Militant

So, did Gary Voris try to recruit Bishop Strickland into his homosexualized apostolate The paper trail shows that CMTV was to move to Tyler to become the media center for a Catholic Jonestown.  Mark Shea, where were you on this one  Oh, we forgot, you respect Gay Privilege.


  1. Holy Cr@p. I had no idea

  2. Two good and informative posts.

  3. Niles needs to come take a nice long four wheeler ride with me and get herself some Jesus.

  4. Fagotry and religion doesn't mix.

  5. Way too much persiflage in the first video. Watch the second.

  6. How many people worked at CM prior to the layoffs vs afterwards?
    Did knowing about Voris’ double life affect their job security?
    If he canned people who knew, he risked them spilling the beans 🫘. But, oddly, both those who stayed and those who got pink slips waited until now to bring the subject up.

    Voris made lots of enemies. It makes no sense that he wasn’t outed by his archdiocese, St. Blog’s, EWTN, NCR, NCR, the USCCB, Catholic Answers, L'Osservatore Romano, or OSV.

    Everyone needs to chill out and sign up for a Lenten Cruise.

  7. I don’t think Shea ever criticized Voris again after Jones’ book came out.

  8. "Fagotry and religion doesn't mix."

    Obviously, they work for you, Nemo 3:01 PM.

  9. The 2nd video is a real eyeopener about Voris, Niles and CM.

  10. Thank you for exposing this problem.
