Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Polish Statesman Extinguishes Hanukkah Candles in Parliament

Edit: Grzegorz Braun said, after the event, “Those who take part in acts of satanic worship should be ashamed.”

At last, a “far-right” politician who isn’t under their control.  

WARSAW, Dec 12 (Reuters) - A far-right Polish lawmaker used a fire extinguisher to put out Hanukkah candles in the country's parliament on Tuesday during an event with members of the Jewish community, provoking outrage and leading the speaker to exclude him from the sitting.

The disruption came ahead of a key vote on whether to approve newly appointed pro-EU prime minister Donald Tusk.

Footage posted on the website of private broadcaster TVN24 showed Grzegorz Braun of the Confederation party take the extinguisher before walking across the lobby of the parliament to where the candles were, creating a white cloud and forcing security guards to rush people out of the area.



Anonymous said...

Gotta admit, I laughed out loud when I saw this.

Finally, someone who stood up to them.

Anonymous said...

Let me buy that man a beer.

Anonymous said...

Oooraaa! Way to man up against them and point out that they are satanists.

Pawel Wieczorek said...

His PIS party has just been voted out of office. He's not only a naughty Polak, he's a very bad tempered one.

Jesus, Mary and Joeseph will not be amused.

Anonymous said...

That "Polak" has got more cujones than you ever will.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone in Iowa got this man's courage? The satanic display in the State Capitol at Christmas is acceptable to the people of Iowa?

PW said...

The Polak's nuts are in his head.
He's a disgrace to his nation and to his family.

Anonymous said...

This Pole is a wonder of the modern world!

Anonymous said...

Audio that went with this event is on Gemma O’Doherty’s latest Bitchute