Sunday, December 10, 2023

Interview with a former victim


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A mildly creepy nothing-burger.

Gary had a school girl crush on him.
Eventually, Bradford got tired of Gary's possessiveness.
Gary saw that he wasn't going to get into his pants.
Gary got rid of him.
Bottom line: Voris's behavior was the typical queer M.O. .

Anonymous said...

This woman murdered three of her own babies in her thirties!-- and it was the man's, her mother's, the abortion workers -- everyone except her fault! She doesn't remember nothing about the first murderous act she committed, except that afterward she went out and partied because she was a fallen woman and going to hell. And then she immediately started fornicating with someone else and got pregnant again and scheduled another abortion. In the middle of the abortion when she found out she was carrying twins she yelled stop but it was too late! Then she got pregnant again without being married but carried this child to term and almost died during labor: "She recalls a near death experience that occurred during her Cesarean surgery. As she lay on the table during childbirth, she floated lazily toward the ceiling when everything suddenly turned black. Harrington said, “I pleaded with God not to send me to hell, which is where I thought (I wonder why) I was headed, when I saw a bright, white light ahead. I could feel the warmth and love from God although I did not see him. I had a choice: stay or go back. I wanted to go back for my son, but it was such a beautiful place that I wanted to remain. I learned from this experience how deeply God loves all of us.”"

When do her babies get to speak to law enforcement? When does she go to jail? Let's just not shame the sodomites into shutting up. Let's shame these moralizing post abortive women (and abortionists like Abbie Johnson) who blame everyone but themselves for their heinous deeds and lives of sin into shutting up too. These women aren't the victims -- the babies are the victims. Let's have some justice for the murdered babies!

Steve said...

Why don’t you lay off for a while. There going through some hard times in Ferndale

El Grandote said...

Funny how no one would advocate shunning post-abortive women like recovering pederasts.

Anonymous said...

We’re doing just fine in Ferndale.

Anonymous said...

Not 'shunning:' shaming moralizing baby murderers (their own babies mind you) into doing time for murder before breathlessly recommending employers who abuse their authority/power do time.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm....not exactly an equivalent there Bubba.

El Grandote said...

Of course not. Killing your own kid is way worse than pleasuring another’s.

Batman said...

Guilt-ridden women were what kept CMTV afloat.

Mike Slater said...

"Guilt-ridden women were what kept CMTV afloat."

Thanks for telling the reader what you do there, Barney old Tart.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 5:35 Amen!!!

David Sabo said...

Where did Voris go for treatment ?
Did he skip it back in 2016?

Anonymous said...

Milo’s Place on South Beach 🏖️

Barnum said...

Have a glass of Perrier and quit flaming, Gaybriel. And stay out of Ferndale, you'll do no one any good there.

Come to think of it, you won't do anyone any good anywhere. Crawl back under your rock.

Ms. Zelda Szabo said...

Who is Gabrielle?

Bo Nelson said...

If Voris ever returns, he should do a series on the near occasion of sin.

1)When he got outed back in 2016, you don’t respond by setting up an internship called “Pause” for young men and adolescents.
2)When a priest is hunted by Cupich’s goons and was molested as a boy, you don’t let him move in with you.

EMJ has been vindicated on this matter. Then along comes Skojec last week to dismiss him as an anti-Semite and citing…… the F#€%ing ADL 🇮🇱

George said...

One of these “victims” was a mere three days from his 18th birthday 🎂 when Mike approached him. Could get veeeeerrry interesting 🤔

Anonymous said...

12/12 @ 7:31am:

I would not get excited about anything that Skojec says.
He chases flying saucers now and endlessly philosophizes about any stupid thing that comes into his mind. As long as it does not involve WORK.

PU said...

Work and Skojec go together like oil and wate.

Tancred said...

No need to speculate about why Voris got rid of Milo. Milo was disowned when there was a planned shitstorm with Ye, who said some mean things about Js and was subsequently cancelled. I believe Milo set up a meeting between Ye and Nicholas J Fuentes to tarnish Trump’s comeback campaign out of revenge.

It’s to his credit that Voris realized Milo was a ferret in his chicken coop, but by that time, Milo already had enough information to tarnish Church Militant and Voris.

Anonymous said...

Your theory has much merit.

No one appreciates the type of crazy that Milo is.