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Father Jack will see to you lot. |
Edit: some commentators, like Deacon and FatherZ are deeply and justifiably concerned about the aberrosexual activism inherent in this latest Bergogliade of Fiducia supplicans.
My hot take, inspired after thinking about FatherZ’s post, is that a minister asked to perform an Aberroblessing can use this as an opportunity for corrective action. After meeting with the aberrocouple or aberrothrupple (don’t judge!) in the rectory, offer the buggers some Turkish delight and a nice anisette, preferably a decent, refreshing Absinthe or on cold days, a Hot Toddie. Then get down to business and offer them a document to sign, and then quietly explain that the blessing is conditional upon a GOOD confession, stern penance, and a resolution to amend their lives. They should know the seriousness of their crimes, and realize that the wages of sin is death. Then proceed to the blessing, and maybe even an exorcism eventually, if you can get the diocesan exorcist to take stock.
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Hopefully, your rectory has one of these |
James Martin is very excited at the prospect of bestowing a faux blessing on sodomites
— Nick Donnelly (@ProtecttheFaith) December 18, 2023
This is blasphemy that will only bring God's punishment on the minister of such a diabolical act and those requesting it
As a deacon I refuse to play any part in this cruel deception of… pic.twitter.com/sj4SYGfwWq
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This is what that kind of thing leads to |
A splendid idea
Fake news.
The not so liberal National Catholic Register got it right:
"Vatican Says Priests Can Bless Same-Sex Couples Without Condoning Their Lifestyles"
Like blessing Zuhlsdorf without condoning his life of pretense, scams and gross self-indulgence on the generosity of naive folks who probably struggle to put bread on their own tables without this bloody freeloader botting off them.
Released on the feast of The expectation of the Virgin Mary.
The upcoming birth of our Savior and his glorious Holy Family!
This is life.
Blessing Sodomy...this is death.
Note the contrast in values and the ends. One brings sterility and death while calling down the vengeance of God.
The other delivers us from sin and gives us life abundantly!
Death....Life. Choose life!
Francis has chosen death and God's vengeance. If many bishops do not react severely to this it will be a scandal almost as great as the scandal perpetrated today. Just another diabolical attack on the family as well as a diabolical insult to the Mother of God.
I was considering the possibility of dealing with litigious gheys.
One consideration is that this would open faithful clergy up to malicious activism on the part of the usual suspects.
Very true. Nuchurch continues its march to oblivion with guys like Father Z putting lipstick on the pig.
Msgr Pope will have something Catholic to say about this but then will retract it and apologize as he always does.
Pope is incardinated into the Archdiocese of Washinton. He's not a free agent but it's taken some time for him to grasp that little fact.
Zuhlsdoerf on the other hand is incardinated into the Italian diocese of Villetri-Segni but hasn't done a days work there ever.
He was never incardinated into a US diocese, but was a guest in Madison but violated the terms of his agreement so he was invited to change his address. Zuhlsdorf is now persona non grata in every diocese in the USA, has no faculties, no ministry except to extract large amounts of money from his gullible followers who blindly finance his gluttony and high cost sense of entitlement.
He and a few others are parasites and vagrant clerics. In the 2nd Century, Christian communities were very adept at dealing with creeps like this. They threw them out!
Do any of the outfits that ripe you off EVER give you credit?
Wrong, he was incardinated in Saint Paul.
You trot this bit of venom out every time he comes up, but while you attack him for not having an assignment, you fail to address the real significance of that.
Personally, being part of a diocesan apparatus these days is almost an indictment of complicity in the heterodoxy and degeneracy of the Catholic Church throughout the West.
Can you imagine having someone like Gaybrielle as your parish priest? No thanks.
Does any one visit his blog other than to watch him feeding birds and taking pictures of food?
The gay crypto-Jewish Austrian economists don’t even comment these days. He’s washed up since he tried to get people to “interpret Francis through Benedict”
Wrong! Cardinal-bishop Arinze ran his suburcanial see.
"Wrong, he was incardinated in Saint Paul."
Wrong. He was as seminarian of St Paul but was expelled twice. That's why the schemer shot off to Villetri-Segnis which is full of shady clerical vagrants. With the patronage of Arinze, he was assisted into the priesthood. He is incardinated into Villetri-Segni but has never done a day's work there. The plan all along was to return to the USA so that, under the guise of promoting the Latin Mass industry, he would be able to make an extremely comfortable living doling out bogus Latin lessons and cautionary pastoral advice to everyone despite the fact that he has absolutely no pastoral experience whatsoever. Get it?
Characters like Zuhlsdorf are on the radar of the US bishops Conference so it won't be long before he is given an ultimatum: move back to Villetri Segni or be summarily laicized, just like Pavone.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. “Kicked out of seminary twice” so what? He was ordained in Rome.
He was assigned at Saint Helena’s parish (an old liturgical rebel parish that celebrated
“Mass” versus populum in the 30s) and his supervisor was Father Villano, basically a liberal who read America Magazine and didn’t believe in scriptural inerrancy. It was one of the first parishes to have altar girls in the Saint Paul diocese, although for some
Bizarre reason, Villano himself didn’t allow altar girls.
I’m sorry that since you’re so poorly informed, Gaybrielle , that it makes a lot of your other surmises to seem deceitful and venomous.
You’re not from the Midwest, either, so you go on second hand information and various lies circulated about him from the Triune Lodge.
Zuhlsdorph has a wife he civilly married. That's why you won't see him in a rectory (what a name for a place where priests live.... rec-tor-ree) But, who cares? At least he likes girls unlike a lot of clerics who like to dress up in fiddlebacks and lace.
Let’s see the receipts.
Ther IRS want to see them too. And they surely will.
Why did you end your role as Father D, Taco?
I noticed that your blog ended in 2016.
Lack of interest?
Lack of oxygen.
Father D died.
Father D died from lack of approbation.
"Father D died from lack of approbation."
Perhaps that is so, but the legendary Fr D asked the question: "But what does the priest actually do?" The answer of course was, 'nothing' other than running endless scams, peddling worthless spiritual and material bric-a-brac, churning out truck loads of appalling theology and manipulative guilt trips and all for the dime that keeps him in a very comfortable sine-cure clericalist existence.
The latest gig is a twice a year business class trip to Rome where he sojourns for a couple of months, clearing his head, smiling a lot and gluttonizing. He likes the caper so much that he's manipulating the naive disciples to fund the purchase of an apartment in Rome where he can land anytime he likes.
The grifter has no moral compass whatsoever. When he's forcibliy laicized in a few years, the supporters will finally recognise how badly they have been fleeced.
Sounds like you’re describing Leonardo Boff.
Who’s going to pay you to go to Rome and eat lots of pasta and octopus?
Sounds like you’re angry nobody reads your predictable and retrograde commentary much less pay you for it.
"If I receive something threatening or illegal, I will immediately turn it in to law enforcement. I’m sorry I have to write that under such a cheery topic, but this is the world we live in, especially in this dreadful craziness going on." bleats Johnny Scammer Z.
He does big note himself especially these days when former devotees are giving him the flick, kids aren't sending him Christmas cards anymore and, I have reason to believe, that the sources of funds are beginning to dry up.
I’m still waiting for the receipts on Z’s alleged girlfriend there, Gaybrielle.
"I’m still waiting for the receipts on Z’s alleged girlfriend there."
Whoever Gaybrielle is, you have the wrong commenter yet again, Tucker.
And yes, old boy, they really are after you.
It's your MO to make unsubstantiated attacks on people's character from anonymity.
It not only reveals your own character, but your mental laziness and absence of integrity.
Who's Tucker?
".....from anonymity." Says 'Anonymous 12:03 AM'
Another own goal. Well done, Nemo.
Of course, Gaybrielle can be anonymous when he's slandering people's reputations because he resents that they're just better human beings than he is.
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