Friday, December 1, 2023

Excommunicated for Attending the Mass in Maceió

Edit: just in time for Advent! How nice!

Because some Commie Brazilian Bishops are retarded?

Also here.



  1. Welcome to another episode of the TLM Inc White Martyrdom saga where fact takes leave of fiction.

    Room for improvement, Tucker.

  2. USCCB is above criticism is the new woke Catholic distraction. The tradition guy (see his video above) e mike jones and Voris ALL have gone on recent tirades defending the USCCB from any criticism (successors of the apostles) as if the American bishops have been stalwart defenders of Catholicism. Like the GOP (ersatz abortion opponents) the USCCB have done nothing to criminalize abortion in the USA. Trump the ONLY real pro life POTUS since 1973 was and is attacked relentlessly by the USCCB.
