Saturday, December 2, 2023

Knife Wielding Muslim Murders German Tourist in Paris

[ZDF] A German tourist was killed in a knife attack in France.  Interior Minister Darmanin confirmed the man's origins.  The suspected perpetrator was arrested.

 A policewoman in Paris secures the crime scene.

 Source: reuters

 The fatality of a knife attack in Paris that was probably motivated by Islamism was a young German tourist.

 Interior Minister confirms nationality of dead man

The perpetrator attacked a foreign tourist couple, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told journalists at the scene of the attack on Sunday night.

A German tourist who was born in the Philippines died from multiple stab wounds.

 Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior of France

 His companion remained physically unharmed, but suffered from shock.

 Listen to Interior Minister Darmanin's statement here

According to the public prosecutor's office, the victim was born in 1999.  The assassin killed the German with a knife on Saturday evening near the Eiffel Tower in Paris.  According to Darmanin, he also injured a Frenchman in his 60s and a foreign tourist with a hammer.  The interior minister did not disclose the nationality of the injured tourist.

 Suspect arrested

According to police sources, the attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) during the attack.  The Frenchman, born in 1997, was arrested and the national anti-terrorism prosecutor's office took over the investigation.

According to Interior Minister Darmanin, the attacker had a criminal record.  He was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 for planning another attack.  Police circles had previously said that the alleged perpetrator, who was born in France, suffered from psychological problems and was known as a radical Islamist.  He stated that he could not bear the fact that Muslims were being killed in the world.

 Source: AFP



  1. Boil them in pig fat 🐷

  2. "Dov said...
    Boil them in pig fat 🐷"

    After you, Dov.
