Friday, November 3, 2023

Prigozhin Becomes Orthodox Icon?

Edit: Oh no, Orthobros! 



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don’t know who(((Prigozhin))) is? Did you just now climb out from under a rock?

Anonymous said...

He was the Ruskie who pulled a Buddy Holly and went down singing, "The Day the Music Died".

Anonymous said...

Really does not look like him. He was a chubby fellow. (This guy looks like very thin.) The name on the tight appears to be eugenio

Piotr Azimov said...

"This guy looks like very thin."

Yes, he lost a lot of weight on the rapid descent but his name is still Eugene/Evgeny

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At least they’re not calling him lunch lady! Or lunchable!

Anonymous said...

At least they’re not calling him lunch lady! Or lunchable!

Yoel Birkat said...

Nemo 7:06 AM said:
So was St Edith Stein and so was.......

Anonymous said...

Nemo, so what?