Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Is it time for a coup in Vatican City?


Anonymous said...

Gavin would be better going back to Anglicanism.

Anonymous said...

Why would you encourage anyone to become a heretic? You clearly don’t understand charity and you clearly don’t care about bringing others into the faith.

Anonymous said...

Put Steve Bannon in charge! Seriously, since both Burke and Strickland's troubles are being mourned by the same people, why is it that Burke says Bannon is destroying the Catholic Church while Strickland is featured with him and Mike Flynn at "Catholics for Catholics"?

“I am not an enemy of the Pope and there is no American complot.” Bannon? “I am not involved with people who act to destroy the Church.” These are statements by Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke


"I do not, in any way, agree with Mr. Bannon's assessment of the book in question," Burke said. "Furthermore, I am not at all of the mind that the book should be made into a film. I disagree completely with a number of Mr. Bannon's statements regarding the doctrine and discipline of the Roman Catholic Church. "Above all, I find objectionable his statement calling into question the church's discipline of perpetual continence for the clergy, in accord with the example and desire of Christ ..." he said.


“Heavenly Father, I pray that you watch over Catholics for Catholics, that they may continue to give bold witness of our Faith in the Public Square and their volunteers and supporters will always keep Christ in the center. May Our Lady be always close giving them the courage to be witnesses to Christ even unto death.”

Bishop Joseph Strickland
Catholic Bishop of Tyler, Texas

Catholics are one the last remaining barriers to the takeover of our country. The work of Catholics for Catholics is vital.”

Steve Bannon
White House Chief Strategist, Host of the War Room

We are in the most monumental, consequential period of U.S. history. The destiny of America will be based on the path you choose to walk on tonight. Thank you for your presence here at this inaugural event of Catholics for Catholics, and for being part of something that is historic.”

LTG Michael Flynn (ret)
former Top National Security Advisor to President, current Senior Advisor Catholics for Catholics



Up to 2016 Flynn was a lifelong, pro-abort, pro-sodomite marriage, pro-transgender Democrat


Lt. Gen. Flynn: U.S. won’t ‘collapse’ because of same-sex marriage, abortion

(DIA) Michael Flynn’s ReAwaken Roadshow Recruits (White Christian) ‘Army of God’The founders of the ReAwaken America tour, retired three-star Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, second from left, and Oklahoma entrepreneur Clay Clark, stand with their hands over their hearts during the Pledge of Allegiance during the ReAwaken America tour at Cornerstone Church in Batavia, N.Y., Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)




Anonymous said...

RCC was taken over by the American deep state with Vatican II. Gavin sounds like an MI6 guy.

Tancred said...

There’s a fine line berets journo and a spook.

Mick Cronin said...

"There’s a fine line berets journo and a spook."
Well, Tucker, share the Gnosis. What exactly is this fine line?

Tancred said...

Flaybrielle, it means that spooks are often glow in the darks who work for a foreign or ZOG intelligence service.

PCS said...

Catholics obey the Pope, simples. Non-Catholics don't.