Thursday, November 30, 2023

'Irish Lives Matter' sign posted in Northern Ireland will be treated as hate crime, authorities say

Edit: now an even more oppressive ruler than the British rules Ireland with an iron rod. It means to make the Irish a piece in a museum of natural history. (From a concerned member of the forum who posted this in the comments)

[Local 21 News] BELFAST, UNITED KINGDOM (TND) — Northern Ireland authorities say they will treat the posting of a "Irish Lives Matter" sign as a hate crime, according to the BBC. 

Local police received reports of signs hung in western Belfast reading the neighborhood will "no longer accept the re-housing of Illegal immigrants or the excrement of other communities," the BBC says. The slogan "Irish Lives Matter" also appeared on a nearby mall's wall.

 It’s deeply concerning and disgraceful that these offensive and racist signs have been erected in an attempt to create fear and intimidate people," House of Commons member Paul Maskey stated, according to the Belfast Telegraph.

 He added there is "no place for this type of behavior in our society" and urged political and community leaders to support a welcoming community.



  1. American police are doing the same thing. Tyranny and police state are synonyms. By the way cops get paid way too much.
