Saturday, November 11, 2023

Bishop Strickland canned

[Americanist Magazine] In his letter this morning, Cardinal DiNardo reveals that as a result of the apostolic visitation, “the recommendation was to the Holy Father that the continuation in office of Bishop Strickland was not feasible.” After several months “of careful consideration by the Dicastery for Bishops and the Holy Father,” Bishop Strickland’s resignation was requested on Nov. 9, 2023. Bishop Strickland refused to resign, and Pope Francis subsequently removed the bishop on Nov. 11.

Bishop Strickland had led the 33-county diocese since 2012, when he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. He was a priest of the Tyler diocese and served at various points as the diocese’s vocation director, apostolic administrator and vicar general. When first appointed, he was known as the “blogging bishop,” writing uncontroversial posts on his personal website about faith and his hobby of running. 

He grew more outspoken as a critic of Pope Francis over time, forwarding Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó’s explosive 2018 letter calling for the pope to resign to “all Holy Faithful of the Diocese of Tyler” and saying he found “credible” the letter’s allegations that Pope Francis had knowingly covered up former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual abuse of minors and seminarians. After the Vatican published its investigation into the McCarrick case in 2020, Bishop Strickland walked back his endorsement.

Cardinal Müller says this is an abuse of the divine right of the episcopate.



  1. Good riddance

  2. No surprise.
    He can ride his stallion to Tay-Tay's ranch and bunk with him.

  3. Wonder if they will spill a bunch of sex stuff (true or not) about him.
    They play for keeps.

  4. Let this be a warning to Tucker and everyone who shoots their mouth off against the jab. You'll wind up on the street like Strickland and that spic from Puerto Rico everyone has forgotten about.

  5. No room for Catholics in the Vatican II cult.

  6. I put in dibbies on his suite of rooms at the Bishop's conference in Baltimore next week.

  7. While the 'White martyrdom' - 'Cancelled priests' chorus predictably play back up on Strickland the Musical, the tune they won't play is the one about just what a hopeless failure as a bishop Tex was in his own diocese.

    Brian Fraga has a very instructive piece in NCR:

  8. For someone who claims other people live in a world of fantasy, you sure live in a gay fantasy world, Flaybrielle.

  9. Looking at the NCR article, the answer is becoming clear.
    He pissed off a bunch of bitches that worked for the diocese.
    I am sure that a greater number of frizzy-haired, pro-abortion bitches have been calling the Vatican for years complaining.

  10. Strickland was not only out of communion with the Catholic Church, he was hopelessly unsuited for the office of bishop to teach, to sancify and to govern. He was a spectacular failure in all three areas. The eccentric airport bishop and Latin Mass entrepreneur, Schnieders, will probably be the next.

    No wonder Tucker, the Shadow Boxer, is upset. His few remaining heroes are swiftly making themselves Extra Ecclesiam ......., eh Tucker?

  11. Cardinal Burke knows how to play this game of cat and mouse better than any other.

  12. Cardial Burke knows where his meal ticket comes from and who still allows him to ponce around in the red drapery. Ray is more interested, like all professional Latin Mass entrepreneurs, in protecting the scam and grift industries, gourmet nose bags and top shelf booze.


  14. Impressive how this site attracts haters of the Church. Brian Fraga, ...really?


  15. "Who is Brian?"

    Brian is Brian not Who!
