Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Bergoglio to Ban Marian Apparitions That Don’t Fit His Low-Effort Church

Edit: it took me five minutes to find out who the priest was, but in an effort to be obliging to a possibly well-intentioned seeker of free stuff without much effort, I’ve put this together.

 [Austin MacaulayXavier Reyes-Ayral is a French author who has worked since the 1990s on Marian apparition sites through books he published in France, Germany and Italy. Having, for a few years, briefly collaborated with world-renowned Msgr. René Laurentin, Xavier Reyes-Ayral has continued to study apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout Europe, Canada and Latin-America.

In 2013, Xavier wrote and published in France as well a book entitled Héroïsme relating to the extraordinary World War II adventures of his uncle, Jean Ayral; a highly decorated Free-French officer, whose missions during the occupation and liberation of France have been recorded in the annals of the British and French intelligence services.

Xavier Reyes-Ayral is today a fourth degree Knight of Columbus and Grand-Knight of his own council, and since Msgr. Laurentin’s passing away in 2017, has decided to write more books on Marian apparitions and on the extraordinary but alarmingly urgent messages they bring to an oblivious human society; unaware of the impending threats that are about to reshape the 21st century…



  1. Where is the hard evidence to support the claim, Tucker?

    I think there is none, just like the ideological nonsense about the Vaccine conspiracy and related gibberish about the dead pilots squadron.

    Read a book, Tucker; one without cartoons in it.

    1. He’s an author on the subject of Mariology, Gaybrielle. That means he has authority to speak on the subject. He’s a lot
      more authoritative than an anonymous aberrosexual on the dole.

  2. How can he ban something which has occurred? It's not unlike trying to ban it getting dark at night. I have serious concerns about the direction of our Church which (IMHO) began with Vatican 2 which altered our worship & beliefs which had served our saints & ancestors well for centuries. I do believe that Masonic forces were & still are at work to bring down the Church of God & it began with the setting up of Vatican 2. Pope Paul VI was right when he said that "the smoke of Satan has entered the Vatican" the really sad thing is that he allowed the demonic forces to continue to alter our Church. Mother of God pray for us. AMDG

    1. Some, if not all, of the Vatican 2 popes may have been freemasons themselves!

  3. The Church of Sloth.

  4. Međugorje. Maybe he will ban medugorge and fatima together, but he is the one who just sainted jacinta and francisco marto. He also consecrated russia to the sacred heart w/Ukraine. Other popes have consecrated the sacred heart, visited fatima, spoke w/lucia, and jp2/b16 made a big splash about revealing the third secret and applying it to jp2 himself -- so not sure what he could do besides actually revealing the third secret which maybe would discredit fatima all on its own.

  5. The last and final intervention by God into human history was the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Trinity. Mary, as mother of the Word, was integral to that great revelation but she has not been back since.

    So called 'Marian appearances' are the personal devotional or neurotic experiences of individuals or small groups like the Portugues kiddies. In his investigation of Fatima for the CDF, Cardinal Ratzinger found that the 'appearances' of Mary to the three kids was subjective, delusional auto suggestions brought on by exposure to mass popular hysteria about the Bolshevik revolution and the scary demonic images in their prayer books. The ignorant, guilt ridden, fearful culture of Portuguese popular Catholicism did not help one bit.

    Private religious experience adds nothing to revelation and neither God nor Mary has anything to add to the Mystery of Faith.

  6. That’s like saying we have no need for saints; how could anyone possibly add to what our Lord and Savior said and did? Gladly, our good God is not so stingy in in His delight to be with and bless His children, directly in the TLM and indirectly through His Most Holy Mother and bona fide saints.

  7. Neither Mary nor all the Saints complete or make up for anything in God. They do very well what they are called to do, namely, point to God and away from themselves.

    Anything else is paganism and that's Catholic doctrine.

  8. Peter Navigatore said..."In his investigation of Fatima for the CDF, Cardinal Ratzinger found that the 'appearances' of Mary to the three kids was subjective, delusional auto suggestions brought on by exposure to mass popular hysteria about the Bolshevik revolution and the scary demonic images in their prayer books. The ignorant, guilt ridden, fearful culture of Portuguese popular Catholicism did not help one bit."

    Maybe that's why Ratz the sodomite laughed about Grammick spreading her lgbtq filth to Catholic children: "The sisters were on the runway for a flight from Rome to Munich when Ratzinger himself boarded the plane. Gramick introduced herself when the flight attendants finished serving lunch, and he greeted her by saying, “I’ve known you for 20 years.”

    He laughed when her supervisor explained she was afraid he would have her excommunicated, saying, “You can’t get excommunicated for what you think about homosexuality.” But a year later he issued an order forever barring Gramick “from any pastoral work involving homosexual persons.” She refused, and her order faced increasingly strident demands to close her down.

    But those demands (that NEVER ended her filth propaganda) stopped when Pope Francis replaced Benedict in 2013. The Vatican even gave Gramick and a group of LGBT pilgrims she led to Rome in February VIP seats to Francis’s weekly audience.

    “It was a great feeling of vindication, almost a euphoria that this is how the church should be,” Gramick told BuzzFeed News.

    thanks jp2, ratz and francis: subjective, delusional, auto suggestions that they aren't boys or girls but sex objects for nuns and priests who no longer believe in Jesus Christ or the Bible to sexually abuse.

  9. Thanks for getting all that off your chest and sharing it with the reader, Nemo 12:08.
    BTW, you really should provide attribution for the lines about Ratzinger and Grammmick on the plane that you cut and pasted.
    Have a nice day flying off into tangents.

  10. PM, not sure what you mean by attribution. Gramick is the one who told the story. She has told this story over and over. She was not shut down nor ever excommunicated and is now openly claiming victory for her sodomite propaganda incubated by paul6, ratz & jp2!
    in this iteration: benny repeats "providence" at least three times and "When he discovered my name, he said with a twinkle in his bright blue eyes, “I have known you for 20 years!”" [we will send you threatening letters wink wink but just go on corrupting the youth]

    They flew from Baltimore to Rome where they changed planes for Munich. On the plane from Rome, she sat next to a man she thought might have been a priest (holy, holy ratz--he was dressed in civvies). That’s where the divine intervention happened. She interrupted him to introduce herself.“I’m a nun,” she said and asked if he was with the church.
    The man introduced himself as Cardinal Ratzinger. When she told him her name, he joked that he had known her for 20 years,meaning they had a thick file on her and had been investigating her for that long. Before they landed, the head of her order told the cardinal her concern that Sister Jeannine would be excommunicated. “Oh, no, no, no,” Gramick said the future Pope Benedict told her. “It’s not that level of doctrine.” Gramick said that the work of New Ways Ministry is not considered an excommunicatable matter. She noted that despite the Vatican’s position on LGBT issues, no one has been excommunicated for working on gay and lesbian social justice issues.

    Two weeks before departure on February 12th, she received a letter from Archbishop Georg Ganswein, Prefect of the Papal Household, letting her know that he had reserved tickets for the group for the Ash Wednesday audience. She assumed that these were the general seating tickets. On the night of February 17th, when the group picked up the tickets at St. Peter’s, they learned that they were VIP seating.

    Gänswein Poses With Infamous German Gay-Activist. Update: Gänswein wrote to the journalist Maike Hickson that he was not aware that the man who took the picture was the gay propagandist David Berger adding that he is often asked to pose for photos.

    Another source in Rome told LifeSite’s Dr. Maike Hickson: “The fact that Josef Clemens was and is an active homosexual is well known among us here in Rome.” (sure the same is well known in Rome about ganswein and ratz too!)

  11. "Another source in Rome told LifeSite’s Dr. Maike Hickson: “The fact that Josef Clemens was and is an active homosexual is well known among us here in Rome.” (sure the same is well known in Rome about ganswein and ratz too!)"

    Sure the same was well known in the U.S. by Gramick and McCarrick etc. etc. etc.
