Saturday, October 7, 2023

Thug Brother David Attacks Tay-Tay

Edit: Thug Dave is just accusing Tay-Tay of doing what he and Voris have beam doing. AMDG


  1. Of course, it is a "pot/kettle" situation.
    And quite amusing.
    Tay-Tay will go SSPX within one year. Lord help the Society.
    He won't go sede. His cash would dry up.
    Like Altman's' already is.

  2. I don't like either of them, but at least Marshall isn't employed by Bathhouse Gary.

  3. Two loser camps. Let them canabalize eachother.

  4. Gordon is right. Marshall thinks Antipope Francis is an actual pope. Yet he refuses submission to him, and foments disobedience in others. Marshall and the rest of the “Recognize and Resist” crowd are thus classic schismatics.

    What they should do is get really real by finally recognizing that as a rabid pertinacious and public heretic, Francis can’t possibly be an actual pope. Actual popes must be actually Catholic. One cannot be the visible head of a body of which one is not a member.

    Moreover, the entity now led by Antipope Francis has manifestly been overcome by hell. Therefore, this Novus Ordo Antichurch can’t possibly be the actual Catholic Church, since we’re divinely promised (Mt. 16:18) that the actual Catholic Church shall not be overcome by hell. To call the entity now led by Francis the actual Catholic Church is to call Jesus Christ a liar.

    Be not afraid to get real; really real.

    1. Should we recognize you?

    2. Little Thug also thinks the old mass should be ended.

  5. A longer link with the littlest thug is here:

  6. The dude writes for Where Peter is

  7. He should’ve stayed an Episcopalian.

    1. You wish that he would have remained a heretic? So very charitable.

  8. Mr Gordon's views are supported by scholars from way back during Vatican II:

    Robert Wilkins, in a 2010 essay on Ratzinger at Vatican II and how, after Sacrosanctum Concilium, he came to support the Novus Ordo, wrote:

    “Lacking "historical perspective," the Congregation (of Rites) "viewed the liturgy solely in terms of ceremonial rubrics." A sort of "court etiquette for sacred matters" prevailed, reducing the liturgy to "a rigid, fixed, and firmly encrusted system." No wonder Ratzinger thinks that none of the saints of the Counter-Reformation--Ignatius, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross--drew their spirituality from the liturgy.

    In the Baroque era, High Mass "became a kind of sacred opera," during which the people in church would be busy with their own devotions, reciting the rosary. "They were united with the priest only by being in the same church with him." In endeavouring "to preserve old forms," the Vatican Congregation of Rites had brought about "the total impoverishment of the liturgy." Yet Ratzinger insists that "for the church, divine worship is a matter of life and death.

    "Matter of Life and Death" was the second episode of the first series of . ." Thus, if the liturgy's proper function was to be recovered, "the wall of Latinity had to be breached." But even more than that was necessary. "It was now clear, for example, that the selection of biblical texts had frozen at a certain point." So "a new theology of divine worship" had to be worked out.”

    Robert Wilkins, “Ratzinger at Vatican II: a Pope who can & cannot change.” Commonweal, June 4, 2010.

  9. Both Thug bros approve behaviour btwn married couples that isn't exactly "coitus." Mike Parrott has discussed this. They're worse than Chris West.

  10. Yeah. The Thugs are all about getting down to the REAL nasty.

  11. Gary and the Thugs can't tell an exit from an entrance.

  12. "Gary and the Thugs can't tell an exit from an entrance."

    Neither could Enrique Tarrio!

  13. These people are like Opus Dei chameleons. To wit, they align themselves with those in power and have not other guiding priciples.
    Thank you Canon212 for linking this site. I've bookmarked it.

  14. Manny, this site is lightweight and incoherent, like Taylor Marshall and the rest of the “Recognize & Resist” crowd such as Michael Matt of The Remnant, The Fatima Center, Catholic Family News, Kennedy Hall….

    They refuse to get really real; they refuse to admit that, as a rabid heretic and flaming sodomite, Francis can’t possibly be an actual pope. Nor can the entity he leads, spawned by V2, possibly be the actual Catholic Church, since the entity he leads has been overcome by hell.

    Instead of getting really real, they continue to call Francis an actual pope. But then they do as they please and reject his teachings as they wish. Classic schismatics.

    And they refuse to admit that no legal authority is needed to accept manifest reality. One need not be a coroner to recognize a stinking, rotting body as dead.

    And they refuse to admit that, far from being merely “a bad father,” Francis isn’t a father at all.

    Much more could be mentioned.

    To get really real, regularly read sites such as the superb Novus Ordo Watch and WM Review. For example, on the Novus Ordo Watch, search for these articles:

    Playing it Safe? Kennedy Hall and the Sedevacantist Wager

    Anything but Sedevacantism! Analysis of a curious Phenomenon

    The “But we’ve had Bad Popes before” Objection

  15. There was a time when Gary the Sylph would’ve said the same thing but he changed at some point. Did Thug Jr. get axed by CMTV? Does he also suffer from Substance abuse like his brother in Mississippi?

  16. What is “beem?”

  17. What is “beem?”

    It's a misspelling of 'beam' as in 'Beam me up Scotty,"

  18. Poke your foot in your mouth, Nemo 3:51 PM and see if you contract 'Pro lexia athletica.'
    Tell us about your treatment.

  19. Don't know why you are on here 3:51pm but whenever I think of Thug I or Thug II, I think of toenail fungus.

  20. Is Skojec Opus Dei?

  21. Back during the Depression, my grandmother used to make toe nail soup!

  22. Skojec is now an apostate. He’s been very explicit about this on his vile Twitter page.


  24. "Skojec is now an apostate. He’s been very explicit about this on his vile Twitter page."

    What should that be to you, Fonze? You're a sede-vacamtist so you're both up Doodoo Creek in a barbed wire canoe.

  25. Skojec says that he is nothing.
    He chucked the whole "God thing".
    But he no longer gets any attention because of it.
    Like the guy who used to run "The Cafeteria is Closed".

  26. This sight has become pretty crass. I can't believe Frank Walker and Church Militant still link it

  27. Oh, sorry, I misspelled Beam. πŸ˜‚

    @Father Jerry:

    Sorry, should I recognize you or resist you? Should I follow sede clergy that has all the disciplinary, drug and sexual problems of your basic cult leaders, not to mention the Americanism one finds at chapels?

  28. Americanism is prevalent in SSPV chapels. Many Birchers go there. They know where to get money even if adherents are hard to come by. I think this phenomenon has left EMJ confused about the TLM mov’t. To this date, the SSPX will not put an American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ in a position of authority.

  29. SSPV chapels repeat the praise that Leo XIII had for the Church in American despite the environment. They're silent about his encyclical on Americanism.

    They also like to peddle the myth that George Washington was a deathbed convert.

    1. This site is going downhill fast

    2. Anonymous 9:52 Voris gayze mad!

  30. The anglicans will save the church.

  31. Both Thugs think it's cool and retrograde to play with your wife's anise. Voris prefers the men.
    Timothy snatched his Mexican wife without asking her father's permission. Now, he charges horny men thousands of dollars to advise them against doing the same.

  32. Yakima Jack said...

    " Now, he charges horny men thousands of dollars to advise them against doing the same."

    What a raw deal. You must have been caught out very badly YakJack. A cautionary tale, eh?

  33. Toenail fungus and now goiters. So much thread drift and useless information!

  34. "Toenail fungus and now goiters. So much thread drift and useless information!"

    It's Tucker's clumsy way of distracting attention away from yet another dud post.

  35. What are you talking about?

  36. There’s nothing on fungus here

  37. There is a fungus among us.

  38. I don’t understand the relevance of fungus

  39. Gaybrielle is just trying to distract people from his chronic fungus infection.

  40. "I don’t understand the relevance of fungus."

    Ask Tucker the Lard. EF is on life support!

  41. Is Gaybrielle on life support? πŸ˜‚
