Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Jewdown!

The Rush Limbaugh Show had its Bo Snerdly, a man certified to be black enough to comment on affairs affecting the African-American community. Likewise, The Rundown has its Rabbi Grant to give us all the scoop on Gaza.


Anonymous said...

Take this down!

Anonymous said...

Leave it up!

Alex Slavin said...

By 'Jewdown" Tucker the Lard is clearly referring to the crucifixion and death of the Lord.
Right, Tucker?

Anonymous said...

Have seen this guy before.
He looks like that in the game of genetic roulette, he came up "00".

Maria Gonzalez said...

Excellent treatment of the Jewish/Catholic issue. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Watch thru to the song about Shotgun Joe

Anonymous said...

Worth watching all the way through. Educational for those wanting to understand the Israel situation today! 👍