Thursday, October 19, 2023

The bitter roots of the Israeli/Palestinian war goes all the way back to the Balfour declaration in 1917


  1. Two peoples, each having their Sacred Books that tell the story of their divine election by God and the promise God gave each of the two ownership of the very same plot of land, a promise sealed by conquest.

    Then, centuries later, the Brits came along and did the same thing: promises of a homeland both peoples albeit on the same bit of real estate.

    There will never be peace in that part of the world until both peoples accept significant re-edits of their Sacred Books and make some hefty compromises on the conflicting divine promises.

  2. Or even better: Both groups could, convert, embrace Traditional Catholicism, accept the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ and become one with us.
    Problem solved.

  3. If only all the Gaybrielle’s in charge in the Catholic Church would realize that they’re just Episcopagans and gtfo, things would be a lot better.


  5. I found this exchange between Pope Pius X and Theodor Herzl to be very enlightening:

  6. Why the British thought a vaguely worded statement would galvanize American Jewish support for World War I - and how it became the engine that led to the State of Israel

    This guy says that France, U.S. (Wilson), U.K. and Pope Benedict XV all approved and that France had issued Cambon letter in April 1917.

    In 1916 and 1917, the Allied powers (Britain, France, Belgium, Russia, Italy, and later the United States) were locked in a devastating war with the Central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) and fearful that they might be fought to a draw. Hence the most documented explanation for the declaration is that the British government hoped to persuade Jews in two wavering Allied countries, the United States and Russia, to insist that their governments stay in the war until total victory. Jewish influence, the British thought, would tilt the debate in Washington and St. Petersburg and could best be activated by the promise of a Jewish restoration to Palestine. This was married to a (misplaced) fear that Germany might steal a march on the Allies by issuing its own pro-Zionist declaration...It is no longer a British imperial grab but the outcome of a carefully constructed consensus of the leading democracies of the day. It is no longer in tension with the principle of self-determination, but a statement made possible by the very champion of the principle. And it is no longer an emanation of secret dealings but one of the first instances of public diplomacy. It is, in short, not a throwback to the 19th century but an opening to the 20th. The key to understanding the fuller story is this: in regard to Palestine, Britain could not have acted alone, because it belonged to an alliance. The Allied powers, especially Britain and France but also Russia, Italy, and later America, were fighting together. Their policies had to be coordinated. It would have been unthinkable for Britain to have issued a public pledge regarding the future of territory yet to be taken in war without the prior assent of its wartime allies—especially those that also had an interest in Palestine.

    My feeling is that it was U.K. & French need for money/loans that bought this declaration.

  7. Calm down, resident Jew baiters!

    In 1903, the British floated the idea to the 6th World Zionist Congress that because of difficulties in establishing a Jewish homeland in Ottoman Palestine, that Uganda be offered. Theodore Herzl himself was not against the proposal.

    “The Uganda Scheme was a proposal by British colonist Joseph Chamberlain to create a Jewish homeland in a portion of British East Africa. It was presented at the Sixth World Zionist Congress in Basel in 1903 by Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionist movement. He presented it as a temporary refuge for Jews to escape rising antisemitism in Europe. The proposal faced opposition from both the Zionist movement and the British Colony.”


  8. Send them here

  9. The Balfour Declaration was the reward to the Jews for getting the United States into WWI on the side of the Allies.

    It is historically reported Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed ( by a Jewish law firm) into appointing Willam Brandeis to the Supreme Court- the first Jewish person to hold that office. No doubt the same persuasion was used to induce the United States into the side of the Allie’s.

    This information is available on the Brother Nathaniel Foundation website — although I could not locate it for this post.

    It is interesting to note, at the Fatima apparitions the Blessed Virgin announced the war would end . Certainly that was a relief to hear in those times for it had dragged on too too long - funded by money
