Saturday, October 7, 2023

Should You Vote For Foreigners Like Vivek?



  1. No, I'm not going to vote for a foreigner! I'll vote for someone who is of the original stock that founded our country, and is loyal to our constitution.

    1. I hope there is such a man to vote for!

  2. Oooohhh, we don't like uppity Brahmin caste Hindus, do we? But why? According to Nazi race theory, these fellows from Kerala are black Ayrians, so part of the family, eh chaps?

  3. Were his parents citizens when he was born? The POTUS has to be a NBC and that ain’t the same as being an anchor baby!

  4. Well, they already elected a foreigner (Gay Kenyan Obama) to be president some years ago!

  5. "Well, they already elected a foreigner (Gay Kenyan Obama) to be president some years ago!"

    The onus is on you to prove that Obama was ineligible for election to the Presidency.

    Even the semi-literate clown Bonker Trump gave up on that one!

    1. Trump never fully wrapped his head around the issue. He merely asked “why doesn’t he show his birth certificate?” After three years of claiming there was only a short form, Obama held a press conference and released a PDF of a long form. Others may have been quit to show it was a “layered document” with several anachronistic terms and fonts, but Trump was satisfied he got him to do it. But, the question isn’t where he was born. Being born in Hawaii made him at least and anchor baby. But, if his mom was a minor, and his father a Kenyan, he is not a NBC. Further complicating things was the requirement to renounce citizenship to attend a mandrassa. Personally, I think it hasn’t been proved that BHO, Sr was his dad. See: “Dreams from My Real Father”
      The GOP is just as complicit. Cruz, Rubio, Jindel, Haley, Romney Sr, and maybe even Santorum didn’t qualify.

  6. Anon:
    Trump didn’t raise the eligibility question That was attorney Berg working for Hillary’s campaign.

    Yes, Trump just asked “Why doesn’t he just release the birth certificate?”

    Trump barely qualified himself because his mom was naturalized only a short time before his birth. He may have a sibling who doesn’t qualify.

    Remember there are congressional hearings on McCain’s eligibility and it was concluded both of this parents were able to confer NB citizenship despite the fact that he was born in Central America.

  7. Barrack allowed his official Harvard Law Review biography to state “Born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii” for 17 years before he corrected it.

  8. The communist Obama's job as president was to destroy the U.S. and he is still doing it behind the scenes in Biden's White House.
    Unfortunately, he and Big Mike may be returned as President next time round to finish destroying the country.

  9. The idea of being ruled by browns and blacks greatly excites cucks, whether they’re of the lib-cuck, cuckservative, or CatholiCuck varieties. As white ethnomasochists, cucks burn with unquenchable lust to be eternally and publicly gang-raped by Paco, Jamal, Abdul, Wong, and Shekelstein as the ultimate form of virtue signaling.

  10. "The idea of being ruled by browns and blacks greatly excites cucks, whether they’re of the lib-cuck, cuckservative, or CatholiCuck varieties. As white ethnomasochists, cucks burn with unquenchable lust to be eternally and publicly gang-raped by Paco, Jamal, Abdul, Wong, and Shekelstein as the ultimate form of virtue signaling."

    Did the Fonze have to work hard at his composition skills or does this kind of turgid prose just come naturally?

  11. Aaaaaa!
