Thursday, October 26, 2023

Bishops Find “Synod” Tiresome — Bishops Storm Out


Edit: no word about why the bishops were storming out. 68er Bishop of Luxembourg thinks it’s all OK, just part of the process. (Finding out who they need to neutralize later?)

[NCR] It was less than two weeks into Pope Francis' high-stakes Vatican summit on the future of the Catholic Church when multiple reports emerged about participating delegates storming out of the room. 

 In one case, a bishop didn't want to be photographed sitting next to a priest with whom he had numerous disagreements. In another, a cardinal believed that the Oct. 4-29 Synod of Bishops was a misnomer because it now included the equal participation of the laity — a criticism that has reverberated throughout the monthlong meeting. 

 The incidents weren't exactly a surprise, as the roughly 450 bishops and lay delegates taking part in the assembly had been warned by one of the synod's principal organizers that tensions in the room would emerge.



  1. Fake 'news' Tucker and you know it. This piece is so much blatantly full of ideological dross that Tucker doesn't even attempt offering credible support.
    Grow up Tucker.

  2. NCR is the rainbow flagship publication. Try harder, Gaybrielle.


  4. Are you all a bunch of happy bastards now that you didn’t get women priests ?

  5. Sure are.
    Especially since some obnoxious bull-dyke wench like you would have been the first to apply.

  6. "Sure are.
    Especially since some obnoxious bull-dyke wench like you would have been the first to apply."

    Charming as usual from a knuckle dragger.

    1. I don’t understand why someone who’s such an enthusiastic advocate for the seamy pursuits of the inverted, thinks he’s some kind of an ascendant deity of culture and brilliance.

  7. "I don’t understand why someone who’s such an enthusiastic advocate for the seamy pursuits of the inverted, thinks he’s some kind of an ascendant deity of culture and brilliance."
    Yes, Barnum is a rare piece of work.

    1. Barnum doesn’t support your mental flatulence, Gaybrielle.
