Monday, October 2, 2023

Are covidiots just zebras? 🦓


  1. Dr Katalin Karikó and Dr Drew Weissman were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize for Medicine today.
    Their manipulation on mRNA bio-technology opened the way for development of COVID vaccines that have saved countless millions of people from death.

    Tucker the Lard, the entire EF crew, their families and even Bonker "I did nothing wrong' and still lost by 'a lot' Trump gave all taken the full course with just enough disingenuous lying to give the impression that they haven't, eh boys>

    1. 'Covid' and it's variants has a 99.999 % survival rate. The 'vaccines' so far have killed and injured millions!

  2. Gaybrielle Gaybot activated!

  3. "'Covid' and it's (sic) variants has a 99.999 % survival rate. The 'vaccines' so far have killed and injured millions!"

    So much for bold assertion without any credible evidence. Do you write Trump's speeches?

    You get a lollipop for flogging dead horses.

  4. I don't think most are zebras. Some are, no doubt, esp. the medical people, because they know better. But Covidiots really cannot understand the statistics, the science. They believe and do what "the news" tells them, anything else is "fake news", etc. Confront them with facts and reality, easily provable stuff, and they don't respond, they just give the blank stare.

  5. "Confront them with facts and reality, easily provable stuff, and they don't respond, they just give the blank stare."

    Where is the illusive proof, Nemo 4:56? Without evidence the conspiracy theorists are simply reeling off mantras.

  6. Gaybrielle doesn’t care about evidence, he doesn’t have a western mind.
