Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Aberrosexual Radcliffe Flames Out “Can’t Stand These Conservatives “

Edit: after complaining about labels, Radcliffe labels the people he hates.

In a "spiritual reflection " Timothy Radcliffe, the former head of the Dominican Order, unleashes a confusing sermon on the participants of the Synod of Bishops

( In a “spiritual reflection,” Dominican Father Timothy Radcliffe attacked the so-called “conservatives” at the Synod of Bishops in Rome. The former head of the Dominican Order explained that "training for synodality" means learning to become passionate people filled with a deep desire. A “synodal church” will be one in which we are trained to love that is not possessive.

Radcliffe claims that many people feel excluded or marginalized in our church because “we” have imposed abstract labels on them. "Divorced and remarried, homosexuals, polygamists, refugees, Africans, Jesuits!" The religious quoted a friend as saying: "I hate labels. I hate when people are put in boxes. I can't stand these conservatives." Anyone who actually meets someone may become angry, but the hatred cannot be sustained in a truly personal encounter. "When you look upon their humanity, you will see the One who creates them and sustains them in existence, whose name is I AM."



John Cunningham said...

Actually, Tucker, Radcliffe said the opposite of what you claim but that little fact is a terrible inconvenience for your confected narrative, isn't it?

Anonymous said...


The reader should take note of what Fr Radcliffe had to say about boxing people in:

Anonymous said...

Gaybrielle sock puppet Is rattled.

Radcliffe is demonstrating his disordered orientation by contradicting himself.

Anonymous said...

Who is Tucker?

John Cunningham said...

There are two Tuckers: Tucker the Moron, formerly of Fox News, then there's Tucker the Lard, sometime purveyor of systematic falsehood, aka outright lies, and self-loathing propaganda generated by his ideological mentors.

The piece on Fr Radcliffe is a case in point. It's a tissue of lies and ideology driven fabrications.

Hope that helps, Tucker/Nemo 7:10 PM

Anonymous said...

It is right funny how after all their whisperings and secret meetings and maneuvering themselves into power and turning the seminaries and orders into abominations of sodomite vice, they now want an open fight about what the Gospels plainly state: God does not desire the death of the sinner, but that he be converted and live. Radcliffe is 77; Francis, 86. Their lives are just about over. I could say I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they both encounter Jesus Christ at their judgment, but it just isn't true. I pray for their conversion and dread the just punishment they will receive for all the damage they've done. Forgive them, they know not what they do.

John Cunningham said...

"I could say I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they both encounter Jesus Christ at their judgment, but it just isn't true. I pray for their conversion and dread the just punishment they will receive for all the damage they've done."

It's this kind of arrogant presumption that Jesus warned about, Nemo 9:33 PM.
You'd be better off practicing the grovel mode yourself. Try Matthew 21:31.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to fault people for correcting vile sinners like Radcliffe and Bergoglio. You do no one any favors, Gaybrielle, least of all yourself.

Instead of being the hermeneutical schoolmarm of soteriology, you should be silent, fast and pray.

JC said...

"Stop trying to fault people for correcting vile sinners like Radcliffe and Bergoglio."

The whining self-righteous always give themselves a free pass in the morality and decency stakes. They're the great supporters of exceptionalism.

BTW, who on earth is 'Gaybrielle?'

Anonymous said...

A limey troll

Anonymous said...

Who is Timothy Radcliffe??

Anonymous said...

English faery

Anonymous said...

Radcliffe is an apologist for the American empire which rules most hearts and minds through its global MSM.

Anonymous said...

"I hate labels. I hate when people are put in boxes. I can't stand these conservatives."

Oh the irony!! "Conservative" is a label.

Anonymous said...

Radcliffe is also an apologist for the delusion that the digestive system is also a sex organ. 🤮

Anonymous said...

JC it ain't arrogant presumption that when God says he desires that sinners BE converted and live and those who are tasked/"called" (or so they claim they were called to be priests of the Catholic Church) and carry out the great commission: 19 Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: (Matt 28:19-20) instead decide that they don't know anything, have nothing to teach, need to listen and BTW despite their ignorance actually do TEACH that murder (abortion/euthanasia), divorce, sodomy, adultery, and fornication will not keep you out of heaven (because hell is empty) and God wills all religions and no religion etc. etc. etc. then (obviously) they are no longer building on Christ's foundation. The wages of sin is death. God will not be mocked. Woe to them who call (curse) good, evil and (bless) evil, good. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.

But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. [11] For other foundation no man can lay, but that which is laid; which is Christ Jesus. [12] Now if any man build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble: [13] Every man's work shall be manifest; for the day of the Lord shall declare it, because it shall be revealed in fire; and the fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is. [14] If any man's work abide, which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. [15] If any man's work burn, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire.

[16] Know you not, that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? [17] But if any man violate the temple of God, him shall God destroy. For the temple of God is holy, which you are. [18] Let no man deceive himself: if any man among you seem to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. [19] For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 1 Cor 3

Anonymous said...

And you all think that someone who thinks that the anus is a sex organ will make any sense in anything that he says?

Who does he think that he is: the Thug brothers?

Philip Adamson said...

What's "A limey.." Nemo 3:35 AM?

Anonymous said...

John, make sure you use your specially designed condoms when having anal fun.

Anonymous said...

A gay from UK.

Ian Campbell said...

"A gay from UK." John Hunwicke?

Anonymous said...

Gaybrielle, you mean?