Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Clot Thickens


  1. Take your jab like Tucker 💉

  2. The only clot around it the twit who publish this piece of chunderous nonsense.

    1. You just take your boosters, idiot.

  3. The sooner the US adopts the system of social medicine that has operated in the western world for close to three quarters of a century the better for all its citizens. The prohibitive costs of pharmaceuticals and hospitalization in the US work in favor of the rich elites but not the disadvantaged majority.

  4. Muh socialism will fix all the problems, goyim!

  5. Take your Jish Bolshevism and shove it.

  6. "Take your Jish Bolshevism and shove it."

    Any discussion of the benefits of a mixed economy such as has existed in most of the developed world for decades is almost invariably met with a barrage of reaction from the tunnel vision knuckle heads who worship the idol of the "American Dream" and call the alternative 'Communism' or Bolshevism.

    The 'Dream' is, for most Americans a socio-economic nightmare created by a massive divide between the few plutocrats and the majority who struggle to make ends meet. These strugglers would embrace social medicine in the blink of an eye if given the chance. No wonder the Big End of Town is terrorized by unionism and talk of an economic level playing field.

    It never ceases to amaze me that pretty well the only feature of Protestantism that most Catholics on the conservative edge of the spectrum is laissez faire Capitalism

  7. Did you crib that comment from ChatGPT, Gaybrielle ?

  8. Tucker the Lard is rattled and shaken to the core. Poor chap can't handle intelligent discourse.
