Friday, September 15, 2023

Roald Dahl Said Mean Things About Jews

Edit: Roald Dahl was a beloved children’s author. He was also a controversial man who labored mightily to ensure that the industrial might and military power of the United States was brought into England’s war against Germany. I wonder if there were moments he regretted his decision to fight for the “right” side?  He was certainly attacked for questioning Jewish supremacy, and that has cost his literary reputation, but despite the powers arrayed against him, there’s really no effort to refute what Roald Dahl said about Jews, but there’s plenty of attempts to attack his reputation, as in this BBC piece by a Jewish author with the impossible name of Hephzibah Anderson. Roald accurately puts his finger on the thorny issue when he says in an interview for the New Statesman
"There's a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it's a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews. I mean there is always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason."
Anderson bristles spitefully about Ronald’s salient observations, she just brushes past these inconvenient truths, like one of the oppressive, bigoted female authority figures in his stories, for her, he’s too naughty for rational explanation, he’s criticized the Chosen. That won’t do at all!

In 1990, during an interview with The Independent, Dahl explained that his issue with Israel began when they invaded Lebanon in 1982: 

they killed 22,000 civilians when they bombed Beirut. It was very much hushed up in the newspapers because they are primarily Jewish-owned. I'm certainly anti-Israeli and I've become antisemitic in as much as that you get a Jewish person in another country like England strongly supporting Zionism. I think they should see both sides. It's the same old thing: we all know about Jews and the rest of it. There aren't any non-Jewish publishers anywhere, they control the media—jolly clever thing to do—that's why the president of the United States has to sell all this stuff to Israel.

As if to come to Dahl’s aid, there’s a story from the Mirror to illustrate what he was talking about where a Jewish family is kicked off a plane for smelling bad. Now the family wants to sue, claiming anti-Semitism. 

Mr Adler, a 36-year-old business consultant, is adamant that they didn't smell and claims his family were kicked off because they are Jewish. The family were preparing to fly from Miami to their home in Detroit on Wednesday, when the incident occured. But their plans fell through when passengers "complained" they smelled bad.

As they left the plane, they asked passers by, “do we smell bad??” Larry David couldn’t have written a better story!



  1. They weren't kicked off the plane because they were jewish.
    They got kicked off the plane because they smelled like a** and happened to be jewish.

    Solution: Go take a bath.

  2. Inb4 Gaybrielle. J.V. Just a little known fact, Jesus, Mary and most of the original disciples were Jewish, you know?

  3. And none of them flew on an airplane.

  4. "And none of them flew on an airplane."

    What about the 'flight into Egypt'?

  5. Anon 1:47: Not so sure, as posted earlier to this recurrent combox non sequitur. Jesus made a clear distinction between some of the Hebrews and others, who he described as having the Devil for their father, were of the synagogue of satan. Also, Scripture describes "jewish" people silenced "for fear of the jews", which makes no sense...unless "the jews" were Edomites?? Or even today's Talmudic rabbinical "Judaism" vs the pre-70 AD Torah based Hebraic priesthood religion. To equate Christ and the Blessed virgin with the WEF "elite" cabal/Talmudists is clearly dishonest.

  6. Anyone who has had to spend time around hassidics knows they stink

  7. Gaybrielle is a Reddit-tier commenter par excellence.

  8. "Anyone who has had to spend time around hassidics knows they stink"

    Thanks for honesty in sharing your fetish, Seamus. I do hope the therapy is successful.

  9. You could ride thru Crowne Hts or Kiryas Joel with your eyes closed and know where you are by the stench.

  10. "You could ride thru Crowne Hts or Kiryas Joel with your eyes closed and know where you are by the stench."

    Then why don't you move away from the area, Seamus.?

  11. Wouldn’t it be better if you and they moved to Israel, Gaybrielle?

  12. I did. >20yrs ago. Still go back to visit graves.

    1. Gaybrielle can’t stand people who are authentic and don’t possess his slavish adherence to the thought rules of the globohomo.



  14. What's "globohomo" An Italian national newspaper?

    1. It’s gay stuff imposed on the goy on a global level.
