Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Jill Biden Has Tested Positive for Covid

[America First Report] It’s been a while since we’ve posted a story about a famous person testing positive for Covid-19 because Pandemic Panic Theater took a brief hiatus. But as they ramp up their “Election Variant” fearmongering and gaslighting ahead of 2024, we can expect a steady flow of stories popping up to drive their narrative. 

 The short straw was picked by First Lady Jill Biden this time. It’s her second Covid infection despite being “protected” by two jabs and two boosters. Biden’s 72-year-old wife, whose symptoms were described as mild, last had Covid in August of last year.

“This evening, the First Lady tested positive for COVID-19,” her communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a statement. “She will remain at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.”



  1. Oh, NO !
    What a disaster!
    Who is going to help him change his Depends?

  2. Brandon's wife needs another booster.

  3. A booster for the new variants such as Eris, will be available very soon. Get the shot. Tucker will.

  4. Jim Hoffdung

    I’ll take the shot, and stick it up your ass.
    I wish you had the heart condition my son-in-law now has

  5. I think Herr Hoffman of the Yukon protests too much. He's an entrepreneur of 'alternative facts' flogging anti-vaxx bric a brac as a cottage industry.
    Furthermore, Kees, it's precisely because I do have a chronic heart condition that I have taken the full course of COVID-19 shots. Tucker only woke up to himself and took the shots after COVID damn near killed him.

    Your vested interests thoroughly compromise your credibility.

  6. Gaybrielle, you know for a fact that Mr. Hoffman earns money on the Covidiocy? Pure projection.

  7. Touché. I had to look up bric-a-brac. I have none of that shit in my house.

    Cornelius: do you think Mark Shea, and Stephanie Greydanus are up to date on their jabs?


    1. They’re up-to-date I’m sure.
      So are Tucker and Tancred despite what they tell the base.

    2. Prove you’re not gay, Gaybrielle!
