Wednesday, September 20, 2023

In case you missed it: Preppy Taylor sits down with Glenn Beck

There's something problematic with a former Episcopagan grifter, who strains for his own Jewish blood à la Elizabeth Warren, sitting down with an erstwhile Catholic now following Joseph Smith. Lots of punches were pulled but he was a guest after all. One thing they can agree on  is to not believe in EENS.


 FWIW, the term Black Pope refers to the head of the Jesuit order because they were once so large. And Taylor, there are no eggs in Xavier.


  1. I wish he stayed an Anglican or went off with Glen.

  2. Come to think of it, he and Glenn would make a nice couple.
    Perhaps after the Synod. Who knows?
    The Mormon would be wild about the 8 step-children.

  3. Sure.
    They could synodal together all night long.

  4. Tanc:

    Just to let you know that Tay-Tay deliberately mis-pronounces some words.
    His tough guy reason is "That's how we say it in TEXAS".

    I know. It just makes him a bigger dork.

    1. That was his lame excuse when it was pointed out he was butchering: Ottaviani.

  5. Yay-Tay is just trying to be folksy, to connect with the rubes.

  6. Hilarious but I could only watch both of them for a very short period. I'd like to add a little relief to discover I'm not the only one who isn't head over heels for that Taylor Marshall dude. Narcissistic blowhard.

  7. "... it was pointed out he was butchering: Ottaviani." That's an old story. Cardinal Frings and Pope John XXIII did that job in 1963. Ottaviani did, however, have his revenge when he persuaded Paul VI to ban artificial birth control in Humanae Vitae which had the effect of plunging the Church into a moral authority crisis from which it has never recovered. JP II and Benedict XVI removed any lingering doubt about that.
    Pope Francis is attempting to repair the damage and to regain the trust of very skeptical Catholics.

    1. I was referring to his (Taylor’s) pronunciation

  8. There are no eggs in xylophone either

  9. Tay-tay is Opus Dei, so he’s practically Mormon himself.

  10. They're both very confused kiddies. Very poor potty training.

  11. Well, Tay-tay did say he wears Depends but I don’t see why that matters.
