Thursday, September 21, 2023

I took the jab, and now I have ... cancer


 Could it be climate change, or not enough cowbell?


  1. Yawn! It's just Zuhlsdorf again. Must be one of those 'lean' days.

  2. Yawn, Gaybrielle whinging about the more talented again…

  3. The 'vaccines', aka kill shots cause turbo cancer. They want most people dead by 2030, and a permanent population of no more than 1 billion who will own nothing and eat bugs.

  4. How many clot shots has Mark Shea taken? He’s acting really weird now.

  5. "They want most people dead by 2030, and a permanent population of no more than 1 billion who will own nothing and eat bugs."

    Who's "They"?

    1. The people who promoted the hoax; the billionaire class of bankers, arms manufacturers and pharmaceutical producers. But if you want to keep taking your boosters, go for it. Just fuck off and leave the rest of alone.

  6. You thought the vaxx companies were on the up and up with having no liability? As Gomer often let out "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!"

  7. "The people who promoted the hoax; the billionaire class of bankers, arms manufacturers and pharmaceutical producers. But if you want to keep taking your boosters, go for it. Just fuck off and leave the rest of alone."

    Life must be one enormous, polished turd in every corner for conspiracy theorists.

    1. You’re the shiny stool, Gaybrielle!

  8. "who's they'?
    If you don't know who 'they' are by now , it's about time you did some research before you get your next booster or flu shot! It could save your life.

  9. "If you don't know who 'they' are by now , it's about time you did some research before you get your next booster or flu shot! It could save your life."

    An expected knee jerk from a copycat 50C denialist, the type who reads from the script put in front of him by jerks who thing that 'flu shots contain billions of miniaturized Chinese mind controllers or militant auto workers.

  10. JV,
    You work for big pharma, big lying media or big corrupt government?

  11. "You work for big pharma, big lying media or big corrupt government?" None of them, Nemo, but if I did, would that make you a better person?

  12. maybe it's too much youtube killing them. most of my workplace got the vax. almost the entire army, navy, air force and marines got the vax. ditto the federal gov't. however, not seeing the deaths/cancer outbreak you keep posting about. one person at work got cancer which could happen w/w/out covid shot. no sudden deaths either.

  13. If it wasn't for vaccine mandates, it would be some other issues that annoy the whining buggers who have an authority problem in general but who grizzle loudest when they perceive that their 'rights' and sense of entitlement are challenged.

    Allegation and accusation are both easier than the tiring work of providing proof,
    A good tip for the lazy minded: Never let the truth get between you and a load of bullshit

  14. The extreme rise in 'died suddenly, cause unknown' ๐Ÿ’‰and turbo cancers, ๐Ÿ’‰is proof enough!

  15. I wonder how keen Gaybrielle was on authority when Humanae Vitae came out? Would current, goutish Gaybrielle be so keen on authority for his younger self? Was Gaybrielle always a tankie for Aberrosexuality?
